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Samples On How To Write A Scholarship Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Progressive Reform and Howe Essay -- essays research papers
Lourdes Vazquez Area 1I Question 3â â â â â Changing America Individuals face change from numerous points of view. Some grasp it, some run from it, and some don’t even notification it. Change encompasses us each snapshot of consistently; change is steady. Change is one of the words the words that can be utilized to portray America as it moved into the twentieth century; change was wherever as the nineteenth century offered route to the thundering twentieth. This change anyway was radical as the individuals off this time saw a world which they had once known and treasured evaporate before their eyes just to be supplanted by large business, degenerate governmental issues, and horrendous working conditions. In light of this numerous residents concluded that they also would make changes. These individuals were known as progressives and however they contrasted in what they felt should have been done to address all the change that encompassed them, they were as yet a lot of individuals who grasped the possibility of not just creation changes, yet making them for the better of all versus a chosen few. Likewise with any story, that of the dynamic time, has not one, nor two, nor even three sides yet many. In spite of the numerous perspectives showed by the progressives, the development itself was one that incredibly influenced American life and is hence an imperative and utile recorded idea. The word progress recommends pushing ahead or making enhancements, in this way it very well may be said that the dynamic development was only that, a push to move forward; ahead to change and away from the negative impacts that industrialization had brought upon the country. Political machines were running urban areas, large business was controlling everything, and the working conditions individuals needed to suffer to fix a living were abominable. America was loaded up with thoughts and ideas its kin had never observed. Private ventures were squashed by large ones as there existed no enactment to control them. The country had consistently kept up a free enterprise theory when managing the business and was experiencing issues in doing in any case. In like manner organizations were not helpful as they didn't perceive any purpose behind changing the hands-off arrangement America had been established on. America had never observed industrialized work either. Everything had consistently been done on the ranch, for a few people, not two or three hundred. The administration all in all had consistently had very distant... ...tself. In all nonetheless, it was these numerous changes, as various and as spread out as they were, that characterize a time loaded up with change, evolving way of life, changing family structure, an evolving working environment, evolving organizations, and evolving urban areas. Individuals had no real option except to stand up to these progressions with changes of their own. Was there an ordinary kind of individual who defied this change? No it takes various sorts and the dynamic time was no special case. Indeed, what made the dynamic period so powerful was the horde of individuals who characterize it. The numerous thoughts and ideas controlled by reformers of the nation met up to meet political defilement, enormous business, and work debates head on.. Every one of these issues were taken care of in various manners, with various methods of reasoning, however they were dealt with in any case. By what method can the dynamic time not be viewed as a chronicled idea? An idea is anyth ing but a severe or inflexible thought, it is only that, an idea, a free thought under which numerous comparative ones may fall, for when it was totally said and done, changes were made, and more changes occurred, until America’s individuals had by one way or another reacted to all the progressions that have helped formed it into the country it is today.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Typhoons Case Essay Example for Free
Hurricanes Case Essay Being brought up in a nation where hurricanes are visit has helped me a great deal. It made me the kind of individual who is consistently alert and extremely careful. Hurricanes strike our nation essentially consistently and it could keep going for a considerable length of time. On the initial not many indications of a storm coming, my senses become to ensure my family, every one of our things, and myself. What's more, that accomplishment isn't exceptionally simple when you encounter a fairly calamitous cataclysmic event. Hurricanes have additionally made me a brisk scholar. Storms would expect you to think spontaneously as lives can either be spared or lost. All that you have worked for can be gone in a moment. Sparing others in the midst of tropical storms is basic. There has been an occurrence that the hurricane turned out to be so solid and it overwhelmed our neighbor’s rooftop. I was confronted with a situation wherein I can help them by requesting that they come into my home and remain there until after the tempest dies down, yet I can jeopardize myself in that procedure. Or then again I can simply ensure myself and sit tight for them go to my entryway. This basic occurrence has understood that hurricanes could draw out the best and the most noticeably terrible in an individual. What's more, I went out and made a difference. Tropical storms are a characteristic disaster. In the event that you take a gander at it on one side, it is only a burden to our lives and our vocation. In any case, in the event that you take a gander at it harder, it is a type of a test a trial of will and quality. Just an individual who has come so close to a real existence breaking occasion can see life in an unexpected way. He won't be thoughtless or flighty. Hurricanes are solid powers. No man can make it or will it to leave. The main weapon you have against it is your solid will and assurance that after it has cruised by, the sun will most likely sparkle again.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Compare Contrast Essay Samples
Compare Contrast Essay SamplesIn order to be successful in getting a college degree, it is essential that you have the necessary writing skills that can help you compare contrast essay samples. There are many subjects that students need to learn about if they want to go further in their studies. It is imperative that you learn all about the subject so that you can excel on it.Some of the subject areas where there are a large number of essays are history, science, economics, literature, and political science. You will also find poetry, foreign languages, and psychology. All of these subjects demand that you know what to write about and to compare contrast essay samples that can help you write about them effectively.While there are thousands of academic papers written each year, only a handful can be considered 'good'great.' In order to get a top grade in an essay, it is important that you know the style of your instructors and where to go for help. Most of the time, this type of help is not available because it is usually given by the instructor and not you. Therefore, it is up to you to help yourself by using the resources provided by online.If you want to be successful in studying different subjects, it is important that you know how to compare essay samples from a variety of sources. In many cases, you will find some reviews that are written by other people who have been successful in certain courses or subjects. The idea is to see what they like about the subject and what they don't, as well as how well they do on it.You will find a wide variety of writing samples for different subjects, but there are also variations. Each essay will have its own unique rules. For example, one may require more detail than another, or you may be required to use an essay that is longer or shorter than others.One of the best ways to look for a particular essay sample is to search for it on the Internet. This way, you will be able to see different essays that look similar to you rs. You should be able to read them side by side and make the decision which ones you like the most.You will also be able to choose which type of essay you want to write, or which type of essay that you prefer. For example, you can choose between a short story, a list essay, or a multiple choice essay. It is up to you to decide which type you feel most comfortable with.When you have the information you need to compare contrast essay samples, you should move on to the next step. That step is deciding what type of essay you want to write. If you do not want to write anything at all, you can choose the option that says 'Write a Writing Sample.' Otherwise, you can choose the option that says 'Learn About Essays.'
Friday, May 22, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities By...
Expository Essay Analysis: â€Å"Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities David Sedaris is a popular comedic autobiographer who delivers intelligent and slightly embellished satirical content inspired from his memoirs and personal experiences. Sedaris’s short story â€Å"Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities†, is a magnificent mastery of his humorous writing style. The story is about David’s experience of him and his sisters being forced to take music lessons because of their father’s maniacal obsession to start a family jazz band. David eventually finds himself taking guitar lessons with the unique individual, Mr. Mancini, a midget. David and his teacher have a unique dialogue and references towards his guitar, which makes David feel like an outsider and uncomfortable, keeping secret â€Å"screwball†thoughts to himself. His guitar teacher’s disdain for him coupled with lack passion and interest ended his brief uninterested flings with the guitar regardless of how his father felt. People will honor an individual’s interest if the person means that much to them, however, there is always an end to the humor if the interest is not reciprocated. Sometimes an obliged imposition can create situations that make the imposed feel like an outsider in their own way. Personal interest and identity may not be the standard or acceptable in the positions they were forced into therefore, as a response, a superficial persona is created to camouflage true feelings. If the passion for a subject is nonexistent to someone,
Thursday, May 7, 2020
President Hoover And Franklin Roosevelt - 1980 Words
When President Hoover entered office in 1929, stock market prices were at all time highs and the American economy prospered. Suddenly, in October of 1929, the stock market crashed and thousands of Americans lost their entire life savings. The crash sparked the most horrific and devastating economic crisis of all time. In the tedious years to follow, records suggest that stock prices fell â€Å"about 80% from their highs in the late 1920s†(Stock Market Crash). Soon after Black Tuesday, the United States economy crumbled to pieces. Many people became unemployed and homeless. Through the course of a decade, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt tried and failed to bring an end to the Great Depression with their own domestic policies and political ideals. Before Hoover’s election, federal administrators praised his humanitarian spirit. When Hoover became president, he fell short of his glowing reputation and failed to recognize the severity of the situat ion America was facing. The nation felt out of touch with their commander-in-chief and in the presidential election of 1932, Hoover was squarely defeated by his popular Democratic opponent, Franklin Delano Roosevelt who promised a â€Å"New Deal†to the suffering American people. The Great Depression was a long and difficult time for many Americans ended only by the beginning of World War II. Two utterly different presidents guided America through the worst financial crisis ever seen with two different policies, twoShow MoreRelatedPresident Hoover And Franklin D. Roosevelt956 Words  | 4 Pagespressure on the President of the United States to fix the situation. Although both Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt were President during one of the hardest economic times in the nation’s history, there are many differences in the approach each President took to attempt to fix The Great Depression, which caused different changes in the economy. During Herbert Hoover’s time in the White House, is when disaster struck. Many people, at the time, believed that President Hoover was the ideal personRead MoreThe Great Depression : President s Franklin Roosevelt And Herbert Hoover1033 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Depression President s Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover were both faced with the challenge of the Great Depression, and if the were here today I feel they would each deal with the healthcare issue in America in different ways. Each president handled this massive challenge in very different ways. Today, a lot of controversy is on our nation’s health care, and the Obamacare Act. In my opinion, Roosevelt would more than likely help encourage this act, while Hoover on the other hand, wouldRead MoreTaking a look at the Great Depression 795 Words  | 3 Pagescreate homes out of driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The U.S blamed The â€Å"Great Depression†on President Herbert Hoover; they actually named a small town after him. President Roosevelt was a hero to the US; it’s because of him that the US had a major turnaround. It was untimely the entrance of the U.S into WW2 that ended The â€Å"Great Depression†in the United States. Moreover, President Roosev elt is the reason why the U.S not in the â€Å"Great Depression†anymore. The Great DepressionRead MoreEssay on APUSH DBQ- Hoover vs. Roosevelt774 Words  | 4 Pages#3 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the United States, was a central figure for the United States in the 20th Century. While leading his country out of The Great Depression, he also led the nation through World War II. Herbert Hoover, the thirty-first President, led the country during the Great Depression and his policies enforced at that time eventually led to his downfall because of their inability to end the downward economic spiral. Both of these Presidents greatlyRead MoreThe Great Depression : The Crash, Burn, And Reparation Of The American Economy1053 Words  | 5 Pagesrates to rise from 8 million to 15 million, but also caused bank failures (The Eleanor Roosevelt 2017). This historical event is also known as the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939. Many people were left hopeless and without homes; it was up to the President of The United States, Herbert Hoover, to take a stand for the country’s citizens. As The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History insists, President Hoover contended that federal intervention and spending were steps towards socialism (2017)Read MoreGreat Depression Essay examples1427 Words  | 6 Pagesof the stock market, overseas investments, and the investments in Florida real estate (Farless). The president at the time of this difficult time was President Herbert Hoover. When the Great Depression started, Herbert Hoover took matters into his own hands. President Herbert Hoover came up with multiple recovery attempts. Some of the recovery attempts President Herbert Hoover took were increasing credit, created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Glass-Steagall Act, FederalRead MoreThe Great Depression1020 Words  | 5 Pages Ive always been a man who believes hoping a bad situation will fix itself, should never be the solution to said dilemma. President Herbert Hoovers policy on voluntarism, as opposed to Presidential elect, Franklin Roosevelt’s policy on government funding to improve the maladies of the distressed U.S citizen; would have deterred me as a voter, for republican re-election. Additionally, I can indubitably see myself as an advocate for the common mans plight (no matter what class I belonged to);Read MoreEssay on Hoover vs. Roosevelt629 Words  | 3 PagesMatt Stefanko APUS – Period 7 8 April 2010 Hoover vs. Roosevelt Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were both presidents during one of the most difficult times in American history, the Great Depression. To try and ease the hardships that many Americans were facing, each President developed many different programs. The different actions that each took to lessen the blow of the depression classified them as either a liberal or conservative. If their actions focused on helping the economyRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930s885 Words  | 4 Pages(ESSAY) †¢ What factors brought about the Great Depression of the 1930s? Give examples of the differences between the relief policies of F.D.R. and Hoover. Describe the opponents of F.D.R.’s relief policies, and how he did more to expand executive power than any other President in American history. Also take the time to explain other significant events and issues that took place in the U.S. during this time which made the depression seem even bleaker. GREAT DEPRESSION Some factors that brought aboutRead MoreEssay about Roosevelt Vs. Hoover and the Great Depression1658 Words  | 7 PagesRoosevelt and Hoover The Great Depression drastically changed Americas definition of Liberalism. Prior to the onset of the depression, in the roaring twenties, policies of laissez-faire were considered liberal, radical, revolutionary, and even democratic. This was due to the fact that revolution was a horrifying notion and not until after the laissez-faire and the system of free market fails in the 1920s do people begin to look about for alternatives. The time when people starting to seek alternatives
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Novel of Daily Experiences and Environment Free Essays
Charles Dickens was an influential writer born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father, John Dickens, was a minor clerk in the navy offices, a friendly man with a large family (Charles was the second of eight children) and they did not receive a very high income. The family drifted from one poor home in London to another, each worse than the last one. We will write a custom essay sample on The Novel of Daily Experiences and Environment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Soon Charles’ father and family ended up in the Marshalsea Prison because they were deep in debt. This left young Charles working in a dirty, broken-down warehouse, living in a garret, visiting his family in prison on Sundays if he could, and feeling that his life was shattered before it had ever even begun. Then an unexpected inheritance, that had finally come after a long time, restored the family to an average lifestyle, and Charles had a few nice, quiet years at a private school. Charles later made his father into one of the characters in a book he wrote. His father was represented as Mr. Micawber. Charles did this because of the great love and affection that he held for his father. When his own rising fortune and fame made Charles in charge of a great newspaper, he put his father on the staff to have control over the dispatches and bought him a small country house. Dickens’ mother ,however, was unsympathetic and unconscious of his genius. She meant much less to him than his father, and it didn’t help when she strongly disapproved of his leaving work to go to school. He made her into the character of Mrs. Nickleby. A few years of secondary school was Charles’ only education where he was actually in a classroom reading books taught to him by a teacher. His real education came from his reading, observations, and daily experiences. Except for the English novels of the 18th century, he knew hardly anything of great literature. And he knew practically nothing about history and foreign politics. His novels all deal with his own day’s experiences, his surroundings, and they take place in his own time. There are only two exceptions, his two historical novels ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and ‘Barnaby Rudge. These two novels were set in the recent past of the French Revolution and the Gordon Riots. By teaching himself shorthand, Dickens obtained the position of court reporter in the old Doctors’ Commons. This experience gave him a peculiar dislike of law that never left him. He also went to other cities and towns to report election speeches, transcribing his notes on the palm of his hand. This experience gave him a detailed and sometimes cynical view of government. He often put such feelings of his into his works. Charles Dickens was drawn to acting. He loved the stage, the acters, the plays, and everything else that went with it. For many nights he would sit awake almost mesmerized by the dramas he had seen that day in the London theatre. He was very interested in all of the love, treachery, and battles in the plays. These melodramas affected Charles deeply, and he never forgot them for the remainder of his life. His intense concentration and curiosity on the subject of acting helped to give him that quality in his writing, which is known by some to be almost hypnotic, that so many people enjoy. As we all know, Charles Dickens never did follow his passion and become an actor, but fate led him in a different direction to that of a writer, his other talent and passion. He turned in stories under a false name, â€Å"Boz†, to an editor. When one finally was published, Charles was overjoyed. He sent in more and soon had an agreement where he would be payed about seventy dollars for each monthly installment of his humorous literature. This was called the ‘Pickwick Papers’. The week they were released Charles was married to one of the daughters of a newspaper associate of his, named Catherine Hogarth. They did not love each other very much, for although Charles was a genius, he was also a bit self-conceited. The ‘Pickwick Papers’ did not do well at first, but as Charles added more and more unique characters, new scenes, and twisting plots that were all based on his imagination, they started to sell. â€Å"Boz†was rising in the world to the height of success in only a few years because of the ‘Pickwick Papers’ and the books that followed, such as ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘Nicholas Nickleby’, ‘Old Curiosity Shop’, and ‘Barnaby Rudge. ‘ He was no longer a poor boy, but a wealthy, famous, married man. He had conquered England. Now there was America, a whole new land who had never heard of Charles Dickens and was just waiting to be subjected to his writings and works. So Charles started to let them know. America had welcomed his books from the start, mostly because of the lack of international copyright that permitted American publishers to print his novels without paying him. One other reason that he wanted to move on to America was that Charles was, in his youth, a radical who hated Toryism and aristocracy. Therefore, he longed to study America and its freedom first hand. Leaving their four children at home, he landed with his wife in Boston in January 1842. The town welcomed him with open arms, and he attended many parties, dinners, and receptions. Many thrilled people were often praising him, and he loved the adulation and admiration. Here he made many friendships that he never lost, even when he found out that America wasn’t as great as he had thought it to be in the beginning. After Boston, he traveled on to New York, then Philadelphia, and then Baltimore and Washington. In all places he was treated as royalty, receptions and crowds waited to meet him at every stop. He even met the President and the Congress. Always ready to raise his voice in defense of a cause he believed in, Charles spoke everywhere of the need for an international copyright agreement that would protect the rights of both American and British writers. He felt that it was unfair and unjust that American publishers should print and sell his or anyone else’s books without permission from him and without paying him any royalties. Charles Dickens, although, did not speak of himself as the only victim of this practice. He pointed out that all British writers deserved this right. Also he acknowledged that American writers, such as Edgar Allan Poe, suffered from the illegal selling or reproducing of their works in England. The newspapers in America were appalled by these statements and accused Charles Dickens of bad taste and of abusing American hospitality. In time Charles’ view of America as a great country faded. One of his writings, called the ‘American Notes’, revealed his views on this and showed his disgust of America. Everything he had seen before of America now seemed different, his views changed on everything he laid eyes on. In Charles’ new viewpoint, Americans all seemed to chew tobacco. And they kept slaves, whom he was constantly comparing with the factory slaves of England. To him the American Government seemed to be full of nothing but fraud, trickery, and cheating. Then he traveled West, traveling as far as Cairo, Illinois. His vision of the West contained nothing but foul and reeking canal boats, dank swamps, loud bullfrogs, and that horrible tobacco juice. He refused to see the beauty of America, the hard work that settlers had done to make it what it had become, to give it it’s government and to produce the goods that came rom it’s factories. He had become impatient, irritable, and cross. No one could please him. After spending a short time in Canada with his friends, he left headed back to England where he would damage the credit and reputation of America in his writings. The years that followed Charles’ return from America were filled with more activity, fame, and success than in the early stages of his life. In 1851 he made a grand home at Tavistock Square and lived in great style. His friends were the leading artists, authors, and actors of the day. Later on, he purchased a large country house at Gad’s Hill. This had been a dream of his ever since his childhood. His novels, which now were appearing in continual monthly episodes, were very popular. Their success, when looking like it was about to be diminished, only rised to fame once again. Most people think that ‘David Copperfield’ was the best of his works at this time. Through all of Charles Dickens’ works of sadness and those of joy, people saw the difference between the ones when he was young and carefree, to those of his more serious middle aged years. Soon, Charles became dissatisfied with his writing. He wanted more. He decided that what he wanted to do was become a newspaper editor. This way, he could reform all of England. When he told his friends of the idea, they enthusiastically took their money and founded the Daily News. In January of 1846 gave himself the job of editor, but after only nineteen days of the work, he quit. In 1850 he started a weekly journal, called Household Words, and then a magazine in 1859, called All the Year Round. In this magazine he published many of his famous works, such as ‘Christmas Stories’, ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, and ‘Great Expectations. ‘ During this time Charles Dickens began to remember his passion for the theatre. He started to do amateur theatricals, which was made possible by his management, energy, and enthusiasm. He also added public lectures and readings from his works to his theatricals. Charles even made a few tours in Ireland, England, and in Scotland that were very successful for him. Charles got seperated from his wife, Catherine, in 1858. Her younger sister, named Georgina, had lived with the couple for many years. She remained with Charles until his death, and his will provided for both sisters. The public were always curious about his personal life, and Charles found relief and refuge in the excitement of his work. He traveled to America again in order to tour, and it turned out to be very successful, but also very tiring for aging Charles. Once he returned home to England, he continued on with his lectures, and made his last appearance in March of 1870. During his retirement, he put great effort and strife into finishing his last work, ‘The Mystery of Edwin Drood. ‘ The book, a tale of murder, was left unfinished on June 9, 1870, the day that England’s most remarkable and creative writer, Charles Dickens, died. How to cite The Novel of Daily Experiences and Environment, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Reproductive Medicine Essays - Fertility Medicine, Semen, Fertility
Reproductive Medicine Reproductive Medicine on the Ethical Frontier ? I love kids and I always wanted to have them. They said they'd tried it in sheep and it worked.? Stacie McBain was recently diagnosed with cancer at the age of 20. Doctors told her that the treatment she would undergo will ultimately leave her infertile. In light of this devastating news was an experimental procedure that had given Stacie the chance to become a mother. Her wish was no longer in the hands of God, but in the technology discovered by a doctor. Such experimental operations have occurred across the globe for over a decade, placing fertility procedures ?in the eye of an ethical storm? (Meyer 94). The question remains are doctors playing God, or just giving infertile patients their wish to become parents? The advances in science and medicine have led to the increase in ethical disputes. For many couples desperate to have children, fertility procedures are a momentous opportunity, which come with a high price. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, ?in 1994, the fertility industry cost the US Health-care system between $60,000 and $110,000 for each successful pregnancy.? Not only are these operations expensive, but also tantalizing and to some immoral. ?We often get ahead of ourselves in technologically?And the ethics; we're still wrestling with those kinds of questions? (Silverman). In-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and fertility drugs are all available prospects for the infertile couple, today. The Ethics Committee of the American Fertility Society states ?[ Artificial insemination by donor ] may be the best solution to overcome the infertile couple's inability to have their own?child.? In-vitro fertilization, otherwise known as test-tube babies, is a process in which doctors remove ovaries and prepare them in a petri dish along with the male's sperm to ensure pregnancy. This process begins with the female submitting to a two-week regimen of daily drug injections, tedious blood shots, and a number of ultrasound examinations. Although they are well informed of the price tag, risks, and effects of these procedures, ?reproductive medicine is now a $1 billion-a-year industry that accounts for some 23,000 live births a year in the U.S. alone (Wulf). With these experimental procedures comes the risk of error by surgeons. Donna Fasano of New York was one victim in an infertility treatment mix-up that impregnated her with two embryos; one with her egg and husband's sperm, and one with an African American's DNA. Their fertility specialist notified the Fasono's of the mistake one week into the pregnancy, and Donna continued to carry both embryos to full term, giving birth to twin boys, one white and one black, in December of 1999. Deborah and Robert Rogers were also patients at the same clinic, and believe the black child is their son. The boys are surrounded by legal and ethical disputes; the Rogers demanding that they are the biological parents and the Fasanos insisting that the boys should not be separated. Who are the real parents and who deserve custody of this child? The University of California at Irvine is also in the midst of a legal battle over alleged medical malpractice in its fertility clinic. Doctors are accused of stealing the eggs of women who were undergoing routine surgeries for reproductive problems, and then implanting them into other women, some of who became pregnant. Who are the real parents and who deserve custody of these children? John and Luanne Buzzanca of Orange County, California were an infertile couple. They hired a married woman, Pamela Snell, to carry a child to term for them; a child made from the sperm and egg of anonymous, unrelated donors. One month before Jaycee Buzzanca was born, John filed for divorce complicating the situation further. John claims the divorce relieved him of parental responsibilities (according to California law, fatherhood is defined by biological parentage or marriage to the child's birth mother.) Luanne also had no parental right to the child, for she was neither the biological mother nor her birth mother. The surrogate mother had signed a contract relinquishing her maternal rights after birth. The donors remained anonymous, thus leaving Jaycee with no legal parents. Such legal battles put innocent children in the line of fire when it comes
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