Thursday, October 31, 2019
Should students be assigned to classrooms according to their IQ level Research Paper
Should students be assigned to classrooms according to their IQ level why or why not - Research Paper Example One such issue is whether children should be placed in classrooms based on their age alone, or should their IQ also weigh in as well. There are various ways through which children with higher IQs are catered to in various educational institutions. Some techniques entail placing the â€Å"gifted†children in the same class as their peers, with specialized activities being created for them, different from those of the rest of the class. Still others involve having the gifted children take special classes after school hours, for instance private tutoring. There are certain schools that provide separate classrooms for gifted students altogether, whereas there are institutes that only cater to gifted children. This paper discusses the technique that advocates providing separate classrooms for children based on their IQ. ... Children with higher IQs tend to get bored in regular classrooms, where they are forced to hold back their intelligence, so to speak. This results in them not achieving their full potential. On the same note, children with average IQs, when placed with gifted children, will also experience frustration and confusion. Such feelings can often result in children either lashing out or withdrawing within their own selves. What is more, with the present public school system geared towards improving the standards of the average or deficient/lacking children, the needs of gifted children are often ignored. Assigning gifted children to separate classrooms enables them to challenge themselves and cause them to utilize their maximum potential, something not possible in a regular classroom. Placing such children in regular classrooms may even cause disruption as the gifted child, out of boredom or frustration, may cause distractions in class, thus disturbing the learning of other students. The pr oponents opine that as gifted children are lesser in number, therefore, in a bid to â€Å"fit in†they may end up playing down their intelligence, whether for the teachers or for their classmates. It is a normal phenomenon in a classroom that the teachers often do not call out children who they think would already know the answer, instead focusing on the average or lacking students. All these factors may cause the children to drop out of school altogether (Cloud, Badowski, Rubiner, & Scully, 2004). Once again, students at both ends of the spectrum will benefit greatly from being assigned to classrooms based on their IQ level. On the other hand, the opponents state that the system of measuring IQ, first of all, is not an exact science and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
National Health Care Spending Essay Example for Free
National Health Care Spending Essay Introduction Health care in the United States is provided by many distinct organizations. Accordingly, the US Census Bureau (2010) reported that health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. While sixty-two percent of hospitals are non-profit, 20% are government owned, and 18% are for-profit. Furthermore, 60–65% of healthcare provision and spending comes from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, the Childrens Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration. Most of the population under 67 is either insured by themselves or a family members employer, buy health insurance on their own, and the remainder are uninsured. Health insurance for public sector employees is primarily provided by the government. Still, the United States has a life expectancy of 78.4 years at birth, up from 75.2 years in 1990, and is ranked 50th among 221 nations, and 27th out of the 34 industrialized countries, down from 20th in 1990. Of 17 high-income countries studied by the National Institutes of Health in 2013, the United States had the highest or near-highest prevalence of infant mortality, heart and lung disease, sexually transmitted infections, adolescent pregnancies, injuries, homicides, and disability. Together, such issues place the U.S. at the bottom of the list for life expectancy. On average, a U.S. male can be expected to live almost four fewer years than those in the top-ranked country (NIH, 2013). Thesis Statement As dismal as the statistics are, in recent years, policy makers as well as leading economists have focused a considerable amount of attention on aggregate spending increases in health care and how health care spending impacts the United States economy. Thereby, specific emphasis has been given to identifying and examining distinctive factors that have contributed to spending growth, and proposing solutions for reduction. Seemingly, factors that have contributed to spending growth encompass changes in health care utilization, population demographics, price inflation, and advances in medical technology. Thus, as more and more advanced scientific technology is developed the costs associated with providing quality health care increases. With that said, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States spent more on health care per capita ($8,608), and more on health care as percentage of its GDP (17.2%), than any other nation in 2011. Yet, the United States ranked last in the quality of health care among similar countries, and notes United States care costs the most. Similarly, in a 2013 Bloomberg ranking of nations with the most efficient health care systems, the United States ranks 46th among the 48 countries included in the study. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 49.9 million residents, 16.3% of the population, were uninsured in 2010 (up from 49.0 million residents, 16.1% of the population, in 2009). In addition, a 2004 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report said: The United States is among the few industrialized nations in the world that does not guarantee access to health care for its population.†Further, with the exception of Mexico, Turkey, and the United States, all of the other countries had achieved universal or near-universal (at least 98.4% insured) coverage of their populations by 1990; and recent evidence demonstrates that lack of health insurance causes some 45,000 to 48,000 unnecessary deaths every year in the United States. In 2007, 62.1% of filers for bankruptcies claimed high medical expenses, and 25% of all senior citizens declare bankruptcy due to medical expenses, and 43% are forced to mortgage or sell their primary residence. On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) became law, providing for major changes in health insurance. The medical system has been forced to change normal procedures to meet federal regulations. The law includes a large number of health-related provisions to take effect over the next four years, including expanding Medicaid eligibility for people making up to 133% of FPL, subsidizing insurance premiums for peoples making up to 400% of FPL ($88,000 for family of 4) so their maximum out-of-pocket pay will be from 2% to 9.8% of income for annual premium, providing incentives for businesses to provide health care benefits, prohibiting denial of coverage and denial of claims based on pre-existing conditions, establishing health insurance exchanges, prohibiting insurers from establishing annual spending caps and support for medical research. The costs of these provisions are offset by a variety of taxes, fees, and cost-saving measures, such as new Medicare taxes for high-income brackets, taxes on indoor tanning, cuts to the Medicare Advantage program in favor of traditional Medicare, and fees on medical devices and pharmaceutical companies; there is also a tax penalty for citizens who do not obtain health insurance (unless they are exempt due to low income or other reasons). The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the net effect (including the reconciliation act) will be a reduction in the federal deficit by $143 billion over the first decade. Conclusion In conclusion, in contrast to the argument that rising health care spending at the Federal and State level decreases economic growth, and employee health care costs decreases job growth, a reasonable argument, could also be made that rising health care spending has important benefits, often outweighing the increased costs. I submit that improvements in quality may produce a cause and effect whereby, the cost of medical care is decreased. Subsequently, increased health care spending improves increases in access to new technologies, providing both new options of treatment and treatment for a greater number of individuals; which provides for healthier employees. Moreover, health care spending growth is more likely to create health care jobs, increases wages for health care workers, expands local tax revenues, and increases demand for related goods and services. We, as Americans, profess to be the richest, strongest, and greatest country, yet we stand by and watch homeless citizens sleeping on the streets, children going to bed at night hungry, and citizens dying because they lack health insurance. The Affordable Care Act is a good start, however we must keep legislators who oppose the bill from chipping away at it. Health care should be a human right, not a privilege. For example, in May 2011, the state of Vermont became the first state to pass legislation establishing a Single-Payer health care system. The legislation, known as Act 48, establishes health care in the state as a human right and lays the responsibility on the state to provide a health care system which best meets the needs of the citizens of Vermont. The state is currently in the studying phase of how best to implement this system. Of the 26.2 million foreign immigrants living in the US in 1998, 62.9% were non-U.S. citizens. In 1997, 34.3% of non-U.S. citizens living in America did not have health insurance coverage as opposed to the 14.2% of native-born Americans who do not have health insurance coverage. Among those immigrants who became citizens, 18.5% were uninsured, as opposed to noncitizens, who are 43.6% uninsured. In each age and income group, immigrants are less likely to have health insurance. With the recent healthcare changes, many legal immigrants with various immigration statuses now are able to qualify for affordable health insurance. We need to push for more. The cost for individuals that use emergency rooms as port of entry to medical care far exceeds obtaining a primary care provider. References Institute of Medicine (2004). Retrieved from http://.www.institutesofmedicine, May 09, 2014. National Institute of Health (2013). Retrieved from http://.www.nationalinstituteofhealth, May 10, 2014. U. S. Census Bureau (2010). Retrieved from http://.www.uscensusbureau, May 10, 2014. World Health Organization (2014). Retrieved from http://.www.worldhealthorganization, May 10, 2014. (2014). Retrieved from May 10, 2014
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender Roles in Thailand
Gender Roles in Thailand Thailand is located in South East Asia where it is one of the oldest countries full of history and rich in culture and has been sustained for a long time, until the new globalization, it never has been colonized to other countries and has been affected by things such as religion, the senility system making younger people believe and listen to older people in the old principle and teachings. In the past Thai families have a lot of members and have very close relationships, most of the men are commonly known as a leader, working outside the home, but women are known as a follower, taking care of children and household chores. Even if nowadays the western culture makes Thai women have more freedom in human rights, working more outside the home and getting more opportunities in education, being more powerful and influential in politics and economics but because of the old cultures and Thai society men still have more effect and power and still have more advantages than women. First of all, if mentioned in Thai society as Thailand still keeps old cultures and traditions from the ancient time men went out because of the war women would stay home look after their children and families, responsible for all kinds of work on the farm as Thailand mainly produces from Agriculture. Also the senility is very important in Thailand, younger people listen to older people, child listen to their parents. Thai women still listen and believe in old principles that make Thai women stereotypes, and are very good at motherhood, love to take care of their children and families, good manners and follow their husbands as an old Thai saying, men are the front legs of the Elephant and women are the back. But according to this reason and in wedding ceremonies, the groom needs to prepare a bride-price as a gift to the brides parents in the ceremony as it has been hard work for looking after his future wife and shows the parents he has a good financial life, and can take care of the ir daughter in the future. In my opinion it seems parents sell their daughters, Thai guys are more concerned about making money rather than taking care of his wife and end up with men who possibly have several wives and still believe they can support or take care of all their wives and according to Ane (2004, p..130) The practice of keeping major wives (mia luang) and minor wife (mia noi) still exist today and when it comes to the wealthy, powerful or famous. On the other hand it will not be acceptable for women to have many husbands or even if some women remarried after divorce or the husband died, it is still unusual. In religion, most of Thai are Buddhist, a temple is the center for all activities of the Thai communities, Buddhist is very influential and dharma principle is very strict in Thai society for example women are forbidden to touch and stay privately with a monk or even if standing higher. All Thai men need to be ordained to learn Bhuddhist as a monk from the belief that they will get good virtue and via it show gratitude to their parents as well, because of Buddhist principles as explained, almost all activities in the temple driven by men and women will be responsible only in preparing foods and some cleaning, same as if they are in the house. From these reasons it makes some Thai men still believe they are a higher level than Thai women in addition to Ane, (2004, p.130) who gave an opinion that Buddhism is often blamed for inequalities women in Thailand endure. At the center of Thai culture, it is seen by some as a kind of framework for male domination. The Second mention in education. From the past, education begins from temples as there is a center of Thai culture and is taught by monks and Thai girls could not have education opportunities as boys because of the old culture and that Thai girls should learn households at home, but the system was changed after King Rama VI had studied from abroad and came up with the idea that Thai women should get education and human rights same as western women to help men develop the country. The king supported and built up schools and drove all issues necessary for example free education for children in primary schools both for male and female. Also the support from the government helps Thai people have free education in higher levels both in genders and Thai parents have more concern about the important things for getting good education as their children will get a good job and good life. Refer to Liza (2012, pp.54-55) have shown the figures from the world bank website, school enrolments for me n and women in percentage, the gender gap in primary and secondary school is decreasing rapidly from the past year 1971 to 1978 and almost the same percentage in year 1991 to 2009. On the other hand the percentage of women in the tertiary school is higher than men between year 1993-2009, that means Thai women can get education equally with men and have abilities to study higher level same as men. In the third mention in Economics and Careers, women become more influential in Economics and get more opportunities in the work place because they have more opportunities in education than they have more capacities and are able to work outside home higher than they would in the past, whereas men are more involved in the household chores and look after children instead. And also from the changing of Thai Economics, having more investments and industries effect to Thai people migrate to the big cities, women tend to work far from home than before, leaving their children with grandparents and believe they can better afford a life than staying home or working in upcountry. The women roles in the past still occur in some areas of Thailand where as Western culture still is far away but controlling family business and finances is always the common roles for Thai women even from the past until now, big or small families and even in the big city through upcountry that means Thai women are very influential in Thai Economics, more than men. In industry fields, Thai Men normally do more physical work or in heavier industries than women for example in construction, automotive and electronics but for Women more often work in the light industries for example in tourist, food production and textile industries. Because of Thai culture, religion believes and practice and also the Physical human body make most of Thai men still believe that they are higher, has abilities and work harder than women. Discrimination in working place still appear in some career according to the website the Nation news (June 27, 2012) has comment on unequally system between Thai men and women in the police and military officer. Thai women is still bad known in sex-trafficking even though its illegal in the country but still appear by some reasons such as from women immigration to the big city but too difficult to find normal job then it directs them get involved in this business. By another reason is some women go straight to do this business as they want to get easier money and Thai and Foreigner men still satisfy to pay. In my opinion, it same as normal market, it has demand and supply if dont have both then business cant be survive. Final mention in Politics, Thailand is a Democracy country with strong believe in Royal family. Thai women can vote and get in a politics position same as men and nowadays from more opportunities in higher Education, Thai women have more space and powerful in politics roles. Thailand has changed politics history and will have changed in Thai women roles following to Yinglak Shinawat is the first women Prime Minister, boost government and create a lot of campaigns to support and develop Thai women roles all over Thailand for example setting up women fund to every cities to help any activities and improve women life especially women in South of Thailand where as more Muslim culture. But other point of view, Yinglak Shinawat still get some comments about her abilities and the way to get into this power as she is a sister of Taksin Shinawat, ex-prime minister of Thailand. In conclusion, Thailand is still unequal between men and women from the reason of culture, religion and old practical, that make Thailand hard to change in the gender roles in short term. Also the new globalization effected to Thai women, need more education, more abilities and more responsibilities. It is hard thing for Thai women now that they need to be a good mother, good taking care of their family, working in households, control family financial and need to work outside home in the same time to be acceptable in Thai society and apply in new world effected from Western culture.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeares Henries Essay -- Henry IV He
The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeare's Henries     In his histories from Richard II through Henry V to Richard III, Shakespeare depicts the English monarchy as a game between family and friends of vying for a gold ring -- the crown. Shakespeare gives his reader a central metaphor through which to see this equation in King Henry IV part one. The prank Prince Hal, later King Henry V, and his friend, Poins, play on their friends, particularly Falstaff, parallels the plot's focal passing of the crown.  In the first act, Poins outlines his plan to play a prank on Falstaff and their other friends to Prince Hal, "They [Falstaff and others] will adventure upon the exploit [of stealing money from travelers] themselves, which they shall have no sooner achieved but we'll set upon them" (I.ii.169-71). This exactly represents the larger action that takes place in this same piece. King Henry IV, previously Bolingbroke, usurped the crown from King Richard II in Shakespeare's play of that title, and now, in this King Henry Hotspur is trying to take from "Bolingbroke," the name he contemptuously insists on using for the king, the crown which the king 'rightfully' stole already. Hal's prank can, in fact, be seen as the summarizing play within the play so popular in Elizabethan drama. Not only does Hal's light-hearted game sum up the events of this history, it also works as a microcosm of the events in King Richard III, a tragedy wherein Richard steals the throne from his brothers, Ed ward and George, who, in turn, stole it from Henry VI. The metaphor becomes even more obviously applicable when we hear Falstaff's self-defense for giving up the stolen money so easily, "Was it for me to kill the heir apparent?"... ...taining the position and participating in its ceremonies is a game. However, I don't think this means that the role is an impossible one to actually possess, that it's always simply an unreachable construct that everyone pretends at. I think it just means that Shakespeare sees the crown as not being as serious a thing to possess as is commonly thought. It's a joke, a gag, a prank, always a gold ring made of cardboard. Where there's "a kingdom for a stage," so too can there be 'a stage for a kingdom' (Henry V, prologue line 3). Being King means playing.  Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Henry IV: part one. Ed. P. H. Davison, New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Shakespeare, William. Henry IV: part two. Ed. P. H. Davison, New York: Penguin Books, 1997. Shakespeare, William. Henry V. Ed. A. R. Humphreys, New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Giraffe Project Award Essay
Joseph Nicholas, 61, a former tribal council r and state preventative, and David Francis, 70, a former clam digger, woodchopper an d blueberry picker, went out of their way to help prevent a language who's already in a severe case e Of extinction. Joseph and David both provide acts out of caring. They are teaching the child en of Amine's Pusillanimous Indian Tribe how to learn a new language, which in t his case, is new to the children but very old to them. The language Pusillanimous is New Engle end's last living Indian language.They should teach this language to help preserve greater ext .NET of it's extinction. Joseph and David are willing to take on significant personal risk. Francis gather RSI words and phrases for a second edition Of the Pusillanimous dictionary. According g to him, if they â€Å"lose their language, they will lose their identity, its the last thing Indians have. †Joseph and David want Indian children to have and take pride in their own heritage.  "Our own kids had no sense of who we really were†. In general, culture and the languages we speak builds up our identity.A lot of people are, and would like to be even more proud of who the y are and where hey come from. Thanks to Joseph and David willing to take on significant per sonar risk, these Indian kids in that tribe will have something to take pride in, which was theirs from the beginning. The two also rock the boat to make thing better, and not more exciting. They are fighting back with special bilingual booklets, instructional videotapes, and classes. â€Å"Mind mans are always the lazy, bad guys in the history books,†says Nicholas. Being stereotyped is De finitely not something to be proud of.In general, nobody would want their race being poor rayed in a bad way, especially broadcasted in public or written in books. So, they're changing peoples minds by not only teaching the language, but by rocking the boat a little by taking that e extra step of fighting with public broadcastings that make their heritage look bad. David and Joseph are only working, teaching the children of Main?s Passim quoted Indian tribe currently. But, at the same time, they are also gathering terms for a second edition of the Pusillanimous dictionary. Believe that they are doing the best they can to preserve this old language, one step at a time.Candidates Joseph Nicholas and David Francis should definitely win the Giraffe e Award. They've proven themselves to go above and beyond of just helping preserve a n extinct language. They have acts out of caring by teaching and Indian Tribe a new Ian gauge, rocked the boat to make thing better by fighting with broadcasted negativity towards thee r heritage, and they took significant personal risk by by gathering words and phrases in trying to make a second edition of the Pusillanimous dictionary. Without fail, they've stolen my vote fairly.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Deforestation Satire Essay
So, what am I going to talk about? Well, how about I make this easy for you and just spit it out? -pause- *sigh* Well fine then, it you want a proper introduction, then here it is: Have you ever decided to just go for a nice walk outside to get some exercise and enjoy the sun? (well if not, let’s pretend that you have for the purpose of this essay). And then, out of nowhere, you realize that something is missing. That THING, is actually something really quite important. In fact, your life depends on it.Well that THING, ladies and gentlemen, is the forest, and the birds and the bees and the flowers and the, well: trees! OK, I know that this probably hasn't really happened to you, (the whole, â€Å"OMG, the forest disappeared! †thing), but I assure you that it has occurred in Australia and South America, where rain forests are burnt and cut down every year. So there you have it: deforestation. Yes, that's right, I have finally gotten to the topic, and in case you couldn' t tell by now, I am very much against this current issue in our world.Let me explain to you, as best as I can, what the world would be like without trees, and why we need them. All righty then, to start, I want you to close your eyes (please don't actually do this until you have read the following) and try to imagine a world without trees or plants of any kind and there you are – oh wait, I just remembered. You wouldn't be there, because, well, plants and trees are one of our major sources of oxygen, therefore, without them, we would all be DEAD. Unless you want to consider that everyone should wear an air bubble around their heads.That might work, plus the amount of germs would go down. Though you'd probably suffocate from breathing the same carbon-intoxicated air over and over and over again. Of course, you might say, what about a bio dome? Well that option is out of the question, because it would be way too claustrophobic with all those people trapped in one place. Plus, t he smell would be absolutely unbearable. Yuck! To explain further, trees and forests have an essential role in our lives. That role is simply to breathe in and out.And no, I don't mean like us humans, who inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Instead, trees and plants do the opposite: they inhale carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, a cycle that allows plants to create their own food by using energy from the sun’s rays (if only we could do that, then we could cut down all of the forests in the world! ) then, during what is called respiration, plants exhale clean oxygen into the atmosphere just for us! I mean, some people say we can’t live without love, but I think oxygen is more important!Can you imagine couples trying to hug and kiss, meanwhile, they are choking or turning blue in the face? Impossible. Another major consequence of deforestation is the fact that there are hundreds and thousands of species losing their homes. Without their habitations, wild animals such as wolves, foxes and possums will be forced to find a new home. But since there are no forests, they will end up in your garden, or on the side of the road. I highly doubt that you’ll want to wipe bloody guts off of your windshields every morning on your way to work.This is very sad and also inhuman. In what world do we kill hundreds of species just so that we can write on paper and do our homework? I mean, of course I know that teaching and learning are essential parts of our lives, but with today’s growing technology, we should certainly be able to come up with a new way to eliminate the use of paper (and hopefully homework too). On a more personal approach, deforestation also means that the scenery will change. Many people probably don't care about this, but I certainly do.As I’m sure all of the artists, gardeners, photographers, directors, landscapers, hunters, campers and tree-huggers do too. Never mind, that actually does seem like a lot of people, so maybe all hope is not yet lost. Plus, we can’t forget the young members of our future generation who have gotten â€Å"naturalist†on their annoying multiple intelligence quizzes at school. Alright, I realize I have gone off topic, so back to scenery. As I have already mentioned, cutting and burning down forests will leave empty fields where there had once been beautiful, magical woods where fairytales could come to life!Therefore, there will be no shade to hide from the sun, and the earth will quickly become dry and hard. Hence, farmers won’t even be able to use the extra space for agriculture. What is more, large masses of trees also provide extra protection from strong wind and heavy storms. Thus, without them, you will need to watch out when you use your umbrella, or else you just might fly away like Mary Poppins! Hey, that kinda sounds like fun. Though, on a more serious note, the strong winds and changes in temperature can be very harmful to other plants, animals and humans.So watch out, or else nature might just blow you away! To conclude, I will give you a very simple solution to avoid all of the previous statements from happening. All you have to do is never cut down a tree in your life. Not even a single branch! Okay, I realize this isn’t really realistic since everyone â€Å"needs†wood and paper, but the least you could do is plant a tree for everyone you destroy. You could also buy your own piece of land, grow a forest (granted, this may well take your whole life), and watch as animals and other living organisms start to bring it to life.Furthermore, you could have your very own fairytale within its depths, all the while breathing healthy, oxygen-filled air! Well, maybe not completely healthy, but don’t get me started on pollution. Other than that, you will have a happy ending with your prince charming (or princess)! Then, I give you permission to say â€Å"I told you so†about love being more impo rtant that oxygen, though I’m not all that convinced. I’d like to see you write an essay trying to convince me of that!
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