Friday, November 29, 2019
Thesis Questionnaire free essay sample
SAFETY CULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE (Health Care Personnel) I work in the (clinical area or patient care area where you typically spend your time): This is the Department of:| * Encircle the number which corresponds to your answer. | Please answer the following items with respect to your specific unit or clinical area. Choose your responses using the scale below. 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| Agree Strongly| Agree Slightly| Neutral| Disagree Strongly| Disagree Slightly| I. Safety Climate| 1. I would feel safe being treated here as a patient. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. The health personnel implement rules and guidelines (e. g. hand washing, treatment protocols, clean area, etc) sincerely and religiously| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. The health personnel take responsibility for patient safety by administering medications and treatments accurately. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. Jewelry such as earrings, necklaces or bracelets is worn while on duty. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 5. This institution respect for patients’ rights when rendering care such as cultural and religious beliefs, privacy and confidentiality of information. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 6. This institution ensure that patients’ records are available only to those who are professionally directly involved in their case. We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Questionnaire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 7. The health personnel acquire the necessary competence (knowledge, attitudes skills) to effectively render proper services to patients. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 8. When conflict arises regarding management of patient care, patients’ rights are upheld. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | II. Teamwork| 1. In this clinical area, it is difficult to speak up if I perceive a problem with patient care. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. It is easy for personnel here to ask questions when there is something that they do not understand. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. The physicians and nurses here work together as a well-coordinated team. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. I know the first and last names of all personnel I worked with during my last shift. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 5. Briefings/Endorsements are common in this clinical area. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 6. I experience good collaboration with nurses in this clinical area. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 7. I experience good collaboration with staff physicians in this clinical area. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 8. I experience good collaboration with pharmacists and laboratory technicians in this clinical area. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | III. Job Satisfaction| 1. I receive appropriate feedback about my performance. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. I like my job. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. Working here is like being a part of a large family. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. This is a good place to work. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 5. I am proud to work in this clinical area. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 6. Morale in this clinical area is high. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | IV. Perception of Management| 1. My suggestions about patient’s safety are being acted upon. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. The health personnel support my daily efforts to improve my patient’s condition. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. The health personnel don’t knowingly compromise patient care. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. The health personnel maintain a safe, sanitary healthful environment for the patient. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 5. The health personnel work with the patient patients’ family so that they gain understanding of his/her illness and cooperate towards promoting early recovery of the patient. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 6. The health personnel take responsibility for patient’s welfare- physically, mentally spiritually. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 7. The levels of staffing in this clinical area are sufficient to handle the number of patients. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | V. Stress Recognition | 1. When my workload becomes excessive, my performance is impaired. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. I am less effective at work when fatigued. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. I am more likely to commit errors in tense or hostile situations. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. My performance in the clinical area is affected when I have personal problems. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 5. Understaffing affects my performance. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | VI. Working Conditions| 1. This institution does a good job of training new personnel. 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 2. All the necessary information for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions is routinely available to me. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 3. Trainees in my discipline are adequately supervised. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | 4. This institution provides continuing learning educations to staffs nurses and other members of the health care team. | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| | DEMOGRAPHIC DATA| Ag e: Sex: Religion: Civil Status:Address: Date:| Have you completed this survey before? Yes No Don’t knowPosition: (Mark only one)Attending Physician/Staff PhysicianRegistered NurseFellow PhysicianPharmacistResident PhysicianNutritionist/DieticianPhysician Assistant/Nurse PractitionerTechnologist/TechnicianNurse Manager/Charge NurseNursing AttendantMidwifeGender: Male FemaleYears in practice/specialty: less than 6 months 6-11 mos. 1-2 yrs. 3-4 yrs. 5-10 yrs. 11-20 yrs. 21 yrs. or more| | | Thank you for completing the survey-your time and participation are greatly appreciated. |
Monday, November 25, 2019
Explore Fascinating Facts About Forest Biomes
Explore Fascinating Facts About Forest Biomes The forest biome includes terrestrial habitats that are dominated by trees and other woody plants. Today, forests cover about one-third of the worlds land surface and are found in many different terrestrial regions around the globe. There are three general types of forests- temperate forests, tropical forests, and boreal forests. Each of these forest types differs in climate, species composition, and community structure. The forests of the world have changed in composition over the course of evolution. The first forests evolved during the Silurian Period, about 400 million years ago. These ancient forests were very different than present-day forests and were dominated not by the species of trees we see today but instead by giant ferns, horsetails, and club mosses. As the evolution of land plants progressed, the species composition of forests changed. During the Triassic Period, gymnosperms (such as conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetales) dominated forests. By the Cretaceous Period, angiosperms (such as hardwood trees) had evolved. Although the flora, fauna, and structure of forests vary greatly, they often can be broken down into several structural layers. These include the forest floor, herb layer, shrub layer, understory, canopy, and emergents. The forest floor is the ground layer that is often covered with decaying plant material. The herb layer consists of herbaceous plants such as grasses, ferns, and wildflowers. The shrub layer is characterized by the presence of woody vegetation such as bushes and brambles. The understory consists of immature and small trees that are shorter than the main canopy layer. The canopy consists of the crowns of mature trees. The emergent layer includes the crowns of the tallest trees, which grow above the rest of the canopy. Key Characteristics The following are the key characteristics of the forest biome: largest and most complex terrestrial biomedominated by trees and other woody vegetationsignificant role in the global intake of carbon dioxide and production of oxygenthreatened by deforestation for logging, agriculture, and human habitation Classification The forest biome is classified within the following habitat hierarchy: Biomes of the World Forest Biome The Forest Biome Is Divided Into the Following Habitats Temperate Forests Temperate forests are forests that grow in temperate regions such as those found in eastern North America, western and central Europe, and northeastern Asia. Temperate forests have a moderate climate and a growing season that lasts between 140 and 200 days of the year. Precipitation is generally distributed evenly throughout the year. Tropical Forests Tropical forests are forests that grow in tropical and subtropical regions. These include tropical moist forests (such as those found in the Amazon Basin and the Congo Basin) and tropical dry forests (such as those found in southern Mexico, the lowlands of Bolivia, and the western regions of Madagascar). Boreal Forests Boreal forests are a band of coniferous forests that encircle the globe in the high northern latitudes between about 50Â °N and 70Â °N. Boreal forests form a circumpolar ecoregion that stretches across Canada and extends across northern Europe and Asia. Boreal forests are the worlds largest terrestrial biome and account for more than one-quarter of all the forested land on Earth. Animals of the Forest Biome Some of the animals that inhabit the forest biome include: Pine Marten (Martes martes) - The pine marten is a medium-sized mustelid that inhabits the temperate forests of Europe. Pine martens have sharp claws are good climbers. They feed on small mammals, birds, carrion, as well as some plant materials such as berries and nuts. Pine martens are most active at dusk and during the night.Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) - The gray wolf is a large canid whose range includes the temperate and boreal forests of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. Gray wolves are territorial carnivores that form packs of a mated pair and their offspring.Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) - The caribou is a member of the deer family that inhabits the boreal forests and tundra of North America, Siberia, and Europe. Caribou are grazing herbivores that feed on the leaves of willows and birches, as well as mushrooms, grasses, sedges, and lichen.Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) - Brown bears live in a variety of habitats including boreal forests, alpine forests and meadows, tundra, a nd coastal regions. Their range is the most extensive of all bears and includes northern and central Europe, Asia, Alaska, Canada, and the western United States. Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei) - The eastern gorilla is a species of gorilla that inhabits the lowland tropical forests of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa. Like all gorillas, the eastern lowland gorilla feeds on fruit and other plant materials.Black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus) - The black-tailed deer inhabits the temperate rainforests that blanket the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest. Black-tailed deer prefer the edges of forests where understory growth is sufficient to provide them reliable food resources.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Language Choice in Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Language Choice in Communication - Essay Example This essay will assess the assertion by speakers such as Ioan who claimed "I text and Facebook in English. It feels that English is more international, more universal. It seems to make more sense to use it on the internet". To understand language acquisition and use it is necessary to make a comparison in learning of Welsh and English among school going children. This is because there are a number of inconsistencies within the languages which may in most cases impact on the competency reported by children who have had similar levels of exposure to the two languages. Comparison of English with other European languages based on the analysis of their orthography indicates there are levels of dissimilarities between them. The European languages such as Welsh, Spanish and Finish have their phonemes and the letters closely related. This means one letter in these languages will in almost all cases represent a distinct sound. It therefore becomes simple for fluent reader familiar with alphab etic systems of these languages to read them even when they might not comprehend the meaning of the words. However, this might not be the case for someone who wants to apply the same in English which is because there are a number of differences between a number of English letters and the sound system of the language. The complexity in English is as a result of the existence of more sounds in spoken English than the twenty-six symbols representing the letters of the English alphabet. Additionally, the English orthography is not a precise representation of any particular accent that should be adopted when speaking Standard English.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The nature and extent of environmental health concerns surrounding the Essay
The nature and extent of environmental health concerns surrounding the use of sludge and biosolids from wastewater treatment in agriculture - Essay Example (Perlman 2009; U.S. Department of Labour 2007; Willis 2001) This can be done by purifying the wastewater in order to remove and destroy harmful materials such as chemical compounds, microorganisms, debris, and other solid materials. (U.S. Department of Labour 2007) To provide the readers with a better understanding concerning the research topic, the process of conventional wastewater treatment will first be tackled in details. Upon discussing the importance of primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment process in purifying the wastewater, the researcher will discuss the environmental and health concerns of using sludge or sewage biosolids that comes from the wastewater treatment plant for food agricultural activities. To avoid the increase of developing life threatening diseases such as cholera and cancer among others, the researcher will thoroughly discuss the importance of making the use of sludge and biosolids found wastewater illegal for agricultural purposes. Upon weighing the advantages and disadvantages of using biosolids as fertilizer in agricultural activities, the research findings of Goodman and Goodman (2006) revealed that the negative impact of using biosolids as fertilizer is approximately three times more than the positive impact of recycling biosolids. Despite the environmental and health threats of using sewage products, a lot companies that manufacture fertilizers are using sludge or sewage biosolids as one of the major components of fertilizers used in food agriculture. (Lewis, Booth and Hill 2004; Richards, et al. 2004) Concerning the harmful health effects of using biosolids as fertilizer in agriculture, the purpose of this research study is to educate the people around the world and to persuade the farmers to avoid using fertilizers that uses sludge or biosolids coming from the wastewater treatment for agricultural purposes. Concerning the use of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Failure of Communism in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Failure of Communism in Russia - Essay Example The Russian radicals, the Bolsheviks led by Lenin, shoved out the moderate Mensheviks and imposed a totalitarian, socialist political ideology that completely obliterated capitalism and tsarist authoritarianism (Cohen,1980,p.42). Lenin, with Leon Trotsky as his main Communism engineer, adopted and modified the Communism concepts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as contained in The Communist Manifesto. In 1918, the Communist Party of Russia was formalized and in 1919, the Comintern or the Communist International was established to export the Communist ideology throughout the whole world (Wang,1998,p.71). Afterwards, private ownership was abolished and all private properties and industries came under the control of the state. Collectivisation of agriculture, prohibition of opposition and all basic freedoms including freedom of the press and religion and propaganda were the order of the Bolshevik rule and all facets of life whether political, social, economic or cultural were under tight Communism grip. The Stalin Era worsened the people's conditions as the Great Purge was set into motion immolating millions of Russians who threatened in any way Stalin's power and domination (Daniels,1985,p.173). The Russian economy failed to soar and instead plummeted during Khruschev, Brezhnev and Andropov's totalitarian rules. Gorbachev tried to revive an ailing communist government in Russia with his perestroika or rebuilding or reconstruction and glasnost or "being open to the public" but to no avail. The Russian satellites one by one declared their independence and the Iron Curtain was completely rent. Yeltsin was left with no recourse but declare the demise of the Communist Party and the termination of the USSR on December 8, 1991 (Leonard,2006,p.702). Causes of the Failure of Communism In Russia Communism in Russia was doomed right from the start. It cannot claim any legitimacy and any illegitimate government flirts with being eradicated at the most opportune time. The Bolshevik government can never claim to be legitimate right from the outset because it wrested power from the provisional government set up by the Russian Duma by illegitimate means. The Bolsheviks were just "a small, united band of revolutionary fanatics brilliantly led by Lenin" (Rabinowitch,2007,p.ix) who subverted the will of the majority by illegally imposing their own will by "undemocratic methods .i.e. rigged elections, terror, totalitarian state, harassment and threats" (Kehoe, 1988,pp. 25,32). The peasantry, which comprised 80% of the Russian population at that time were neither communists, socialists or of any political color but were
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century
Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century â€Å"The legal regulation of pornography in the 21 st century in the United Kingdom†Abstract: Pornography accompanied humanity for a long time though the expressions of pornography vary with time and technological progress. Previously, the pornography industry was concentrating mainly in painting, with the invention of printing the pornography was widespread, later on with the invention of photography it led to the dissemination of pornographic pictures, furthermore the invention of cinema led the pornographic films in a similar vein and now video web, soon joined the pornography industry. Proper social and legal attitude toward pornography is a controversial subject for many years, some think about pornography in terms of obscenity breakthroughs based on religion or morality and refuse to discuss the problem or give it attention, others think of pornography in terms of liberal sexual liberation and freedom of expression and catch it embodies basic rights that protect them from oppression and mute. In the 70th new sound was heard the female voice is also joining the feminist opposition camp, as demand for gender equality and concern for the status of women. The problem of pornography remained a debate that hadnt been decided and resolved; the subject of pornography raises difficult issues relevant theoretical and philosophical issues of ethics, morality and arouses many legal disputes. In the following paper I will review the phenomenon of pornography in the United Kingdom in the context of the definitions, legal aspects and the developments. Furthermore I will analyze the problems that come with the pornography, the harm and the influence that it has on the children and youth. The main argument of this paper is the use of the freedom of expression to protect pornography. Other not less important argument in this paper deals with the question â€Å"whether the society does enough to protect young children and the next generation from the harms of pornography?†And eventually I will conclude the topic by including some suggestions for the future. Introduction Defining Pornography One of the main problem with the pornography is the fact that it is not defined in a clear definitions that can refer to each person individually. According to the online vocabulary the pornography is defined as â€Å"The explicit depiction or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, films or photography that is intended to stimulate erotic, rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings†. Any material such as pictures, videos, CDs, books or even words that are sexually explicit qualifies as Pornography. The definition explains the meaning of the pornography by saying that pornography involves more physical feelings rather then the emotion feelings, but the definition is not explaining the meaning of the term â€Å"Sexually explicit†. Thats when the definition problem plays the key role, how can we define what sexually explicit is when each person sees and understand things differently based on their culture, religion and personal preferences and morals, in certain countries showing womans uncovered ankles is considered as sexual explicit while in most of the modern western countries bare ankles, arms or even belly is not considered as anything unusual, however even in modern society some materials still count as sexually explicit such as representation of sexual acts in a written or visual way and a demonstration of very intimate exposed body parts such as the genitalia . The contradiction here is that an important question can be a raised â€Å"Does medical book considered as pornography?†based on the fact that Medical books contain demonstration of exposed genitalia pictures. The answer is that anatomy medical books are not viewed as pornography because of its purpose, the purpose of the anatomy book is to educate and give necessary information to the medical student it does not involve entertainment or stimulation of the viewer. According to the Etymology (Study that deals with the history of the words and how their form and meaning have changed over the centuries) the history of the word â€Å"Pornography†starts in 1857, and is translated as (â€Å"description of prostitutes) from French â€Å"pornographie†and from Greek â€Å"pornographos†(one) writing of prostitutes, from porne prostitute, originally bought, purchased (with an original notion, probably of female slave sold for prostitution; related t o pernanai to sell, from PIE root per- to traffic in, to sell, cf. L. pretium price) + graphein to write. Originally used of classical art and writing; application to modern examples began 1880s. Main modern meaning salacious writing or pictures represents a slight shift from the etymology, though classical depictions of prostitution usually had this quality†The Greeks were writing and painting such frescos on the walls of their brothels in order to advertise the homes were women sold their â€Å"love†to Greeks for money. As it was mentioned earlier it is a difficult task to define Pornography legally and morally as an individual due to the fact that most people can not distinguish the difference between Pornography and Erotica, it is very common to consider that Erotica is a â€Å"liter†and more censored version of Pornography. According to the Etymology the meaning of the word Erotic appears in 1621, and can be translated from the Greek word â€Å"Eroticos†as â€Å"sexual love†. If to compare the meanings and the definitions of the words Pornography and Erotica it is quite clear that Erotica is explained as something more pure and emotional rather when pornography is shown as something more physical and dirty. But mostly the term Erotica or Erotic is usually used my the artists and the art industry itself, furthermore artists after creating piece of art that include nudity or uncensored words that describe sexuality justify their work by saying that their piece of art is an Er otic rather then Pornographic due to the fact that the art represents something meaningful and has a point or a story to tell, it was created as a thought and it is not made in order to sexually stimulate the viewer. But again it is all in the eyes of the viewer to decide whether it is erotic or pornographic display that they see. In the case of Jacob Ellis v. Ohio, 1964 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. The words â€Å"But I know it when I see it†reinforce the point that it is up to the individual to decide whether it is pornography or not. The 21st Century Concerns Through the history of democracy freedom of expression and preoccupation always won the argument, the only time when it really straggled was when the debate was about the issue with the Pornography. The discussion over the engagement to permit the pornography takes place in countries among the most active broad issues in the field. From preoccupation with the limits of freedom of expression, freedom of religious and belief or alternatively, the separation between religion and state, questions about womens equal rights feminism, and more. Pornography, then, surprisingly, is deeply connected with it being a democracy. All these discussions about democracy are related and constitute an essential part of any such system. Democracy, if it wants to survive, requires providing an extensive freedom of expression also things that the community may not like to see, and allow its members to practice them and choose for them selves as long as it is not violates the rights of the others. Pornography also touches on gender, the countrys morality, crime, constitution and relations between the sexes. Regardless of the major issues and impacts that pornography has on children and women it is impossible and incorrect to prohibit pornography the answer is to restrict it to the levels where young children are protected and have no access to it, while the adults are free to have an access to pornography as long as it is not harming others. The only time when Pornography must be prohibit and banned is in the case of a child pornography and violent pornography. For the reasons that children are not able to protect them selves thats our duty as an adults to make sure children are away from those industries furthermore violent sex must be prohibit due to its nature. Adults that watch violent and extreme pornography are influenced by them and start to behave similarly. True it is not the video that makes a person to develop their personality and behavior, person is developed by their nature and nurture but those videos have an influence that might change ones views and believes by believing and accepting the porn as real. And the best argument for it is the example of advertising if images, videos and books are not influencing people then why people use advertisement? People are captured by the images and the human brain receives tons of images and information even when the person is not trying to obtain them. The main concern in the 21st century is the improvement and the development in the technology, the importance of the internet is major. People and most curtain children enjoy the virtual life due to the fact that internet is a free world where one can â€Å"slide†from one world to another as an anonymous. There is no need to prove your identity and your age. And those places on the web that do require identity prove such as the age confirmation it is very easy to lie or give false information and there is no way to check the reality of the one. The law protects the children and young people under the age of 18 in the real world by prohibiting the expose of the children to pornography and the prohibition to sell and provide pornographic materials to under aged young people and children. The law considers that a child would not be able to hide their age because those that sell the pornographic materials must check some ID that will prove their age. But that protection is not working on the virtual world at all. On the internet anyone and anytime can access pornographic materials such as videos and images for free and there is no need to provide any ID or proof of the real age of the viewer. Those websites that require providing an age by registering and providing the date of birth it is extremely simple to fool by typing a year of birth that is under the year of 1991. The problem in 21st century is the fact that the freedom of expression and speech is very important and can not be changed even if it means to protect our children from been exposed to Pornography. By prohibiting Pornography the rights of the creator and the consumer of the porn are violated, for the creator of porn because it is freedom of expressions, freedom of speech while for the consumer it is the right to enjoy the information or in the case of pornography materials. Yes if can be changed by arguing that children are more important then the right to create pornography but the problem here is not prohibition of pornography its the issue with the later circumstances that will follow the prohibition. In that can other people can try ban, limit or control other ways of freedom of speech and expression. One exception will lead to other exceptions and furthermore the freedom of the speech will be under the danger. For example in China the government decided to fight with pornography by banning and prohibiting Pornography totally including virtual pornography as well. All the major internet search bars such as Google yahoo and local Chinese tudou and beidu are blocked when ever users try to search for porn/pornography/sex. Not only are those, users that try to search those materials automatically appearing in the list of people that need to be under control. It might be a good idea to do so in a case of child pornography, in that way it would be easier to catch pedophiles but to block all the pornographic materials is not a correct way and to be honest impossible hackers can re open those websites secretly without any problems. It is a human nature to be curios and be interested in what is considered to be â€Å"forbidden†by restricting and prohibiting pornography materials the Chinese government is rising the curiosity of the youth to find out what is banned and why. Furthermore it can affect the youth in a bad way, some young people are shy and cannot consult with a doctor regards sex therefore they try to find out the information online. By blocking all the information regards sex the youth might not know the risk that it has (Chinese government is blocking not only pornography websites but any website or materials that include or describe sex and sexuality). Focus Of The Paper The paper will discuss and analyze a very interesting and important question of the Legal regulation of the Pornography in the 21st century in the United Kingdom. The question of the pornography is a complicated subject that has a major influence on the people. The paper is divided into chapters and each chapter deals with an individual subject or an issue that comes with the terms of the pornography. Introduction: the introduction to the subject of the pornography has three sections. First section deals with the definitions of the term pornography and the etymological definition of the word. Second section deals with the issues that occur with the pornography in the 21st century such as the freedom of speech and the first amendment that protects the pornography from been banned. Third section explains the focus of the paper by the chapters. The regulation of the pornography is divided into four sections. First section deals with the origins of the pornography with the historical evidence of the first pornographic illustrations, and the evolution of the pornography through the centuries with some famous pieces of art and literature that are defined as pornography. Not to be confused chapter two, section one deals with the background of the pornography itself and not the definition and meaning of the term â€Å"pornography†as it is in the first chapter, section one. Section two: The evolution of the pornography in the United Kingdom explains the influence and the development that lead pornography into United Kingdom, and illustrates the development of the pornography industry in the United Kingdom. Section three deals with the legal regulation of Pornography in United Kingdom, through the history. At last section four discusses the obscene publication act 1959, the power of the act and the bars that it created. Furthermore the section deals with the changes in the pornography industry and the legislations in the second half of the 20th century. The Danger Of The Pornography Is Divided Into Two Sections That Deal With The Harm Of The Pornography And The Influence It Has On The People. Section one deal with the issue of the children and pornography, the section discusses the danger and the influence that pornography has on the children, how the law protects the children from the pornography on the internet and in the everyday life. Section two deals with the topic of women and the pornography, how the pornography changed the views on women and the behavior of the men towards them, furthermore the section deals with the views of the feminists and the psychological studies that deal with the affect of the pornography on the violence towards women. Pornography and the morality is divided into two sections Section one deals with the changes that pornography brought into our lives, and the important problem that most of the countries deal with, the lost of the cultural and the traditional values influenced by the pornography. Section two of this chapter deals with the question of the pornography and the morality, the right of the one to be protected from been exposed to the pornographic materials, and furthermore how the religion deals with the rapid spread of the pornography industry. criticism and suggestions is divided into two sections. Section one deals with the criticism of the law towards pornography, the first amendment and the freedom of the speech that are used as a protective umbrella for the producers and the people that create the pornography industry and how the law protect ones right by limiting other persons rights. Last section of the chapter four deals with the proposals and suggestions that can and need to be done in order to protect the children from been exposed to the pornographic materials and to put a balance between freedom of speech and the pornography that is harmful, and finally to try to find a solution that will increase the protection from the pornography rather then to simply try to ban it. Pornography law cases and famous scandals This section illustrates the famous law cases and scandals that involved the topic of pornography in the United Kingdome and the rest of the world that influenced and lead to new legal terms. Conclusion The conclusion of the paper. The Regulation Of Pornography The Origins Of Pornography Pornography has its own story as well it turns out that the history of the Pornography is almost like a long history of mankind. The first pornography images actually appeared before the modern era, researchers discovered rock paintings demonstrating coitus and hunting between ancient people. It is slightly inaccurate to define those Petroglyphs as pornography based on the fact that the purpose of drawing those images is unknown. Human sexuality always documented throughout history, beginning with nude pictures on vases in Greece and Rome, where naked men and women were documented as an expression of beauty and admiration. In an ancient India scholar named Vatsyayana created the first Sanskrit text known as the â€Å"Kama Sutra†that explains the rules and manuals of sex, love and marriage. The Kama Sutra includes very detailed sexual intercourse images and explanations, Kama Sutra is the first and the most known pornographic text book, and furthermore Vatsyayana feared that the papers would disappear with time and decide to decorate the temples of Kajuharo with pornographic images of people having sex. With the beginning of the Christianity and the rise to the power, and with the fall of the Roman Empire, sex and sexuality started to be referenced variously. Species currently perceived as a source of sin, the cause that brought the expulsion of the first man from Eden. This moral concept came to serve as an alternative to the Roman liberated morality. In fact, with the change of human perception good creature has become a potential sinner, and that changed the attitude towards sex and it became anathema. St. Augustines writings reference woman and sex as the most negative kind. Augustine divides people into two the God-loving minority vast majority that love meat. People are uncontrollable with lust, especially when it comes to sex. Thus medieval Christianity tries literally to delete sex and sexuality. Sexuality will be used for breeding, and this only to prevent the extinction of the human kind. When sexuality becomes illegal the pornography began to fill in the space by creating rough sex charts and nudity illustrations. Throughout the middle Ages pornography was perceived as sexual sin, was addressed by the institutions accordingly. Sex ratio has not changed throughout this period until the Renaissance, which presented the female body as an expression of divine beauty with the paintings of many contemporary artists. Nudity and sex were further accepted as something artistic and beautiful rather then something sinful as it was earlier. It all changed during the days of Queen Victoria in Britain, which issued a number of laws prohibiting sexual publications. Ironically under this prohibition actually was published the most erotic newspaper written during that time called The Pearl, the pearl was an erotic newspaper that included numerous erotic stories and poems and was published in underground. Nudity and sexuality bursting again with the invention of the cinema, two years after the invention first time woman was undressed on the movie screens of French film Le BAIN from 1896. Early 20th century sexuality wins legitimacy and continues until the mid-thirties, when the American Film Committee takes laws and regulations that prohibit sexuality and nudity on the screen. But again, when sexuality is outlawed and prohibited it finds a way to get back in with some surprising ways. These constraints and prohibitions forced many screenwriters to come up with various ways of allusions to sex; known among them is the line: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?†With the beginning of the sixties sexual revolution begins in the United States. This brings the bloom of magazines such as Playboy, first published in 1953 was the first mens magazine. Penthouse came out second after the Playboy in 1969, and the Hustler that surged into the world in1974. The last one reached the courts due to its contents, and the U.S. Supreme Court acquitted the magazine from its opponents claim with the right to the freedom of expression and preoccupation. Sexuality is among at last, and institutional recognition opens the legitimacy it has never won before. In the 20th century the pornography era grow and put its stamp in the business industry becoming part of normal modern life, with the inventions of the technology such as VCR and later on DVD In the 90th including the Internet breakthrough making pornography available to the home computers and a telephone lines it become so easy for a viewer to watch Pornography online. the access to pornography become easier and more private and that factor increase the demand for pornographic materials. It is very interesting how fast the civilization showed a progress, in 19th century people who were caught spreading pornography were brought to the court and had to pay fines. While today in the 21st century pornography is legalized almost in all countries with exception of Muslim states, India and China. The Evolution Of The Pornography In United Kingdom In addition to the legal definition, pornography was also at the centre of debates on elite and mass culture, and on the legitimacy of modernist literature, especially in interwar Britain. The nature of this debate evidently had its origins in the question of cultural authority and artistic value which preoccupied rational elites between the wars, and produced the disdainful Leavisite attitudes towards the masses catalogued by John Carey and D. L. LeMahieu. Though, this was not only à  ° debate about culture. For sex reformers, it was also about new social practices. Before and after 1945, sex radicals not merely decried the form of mass culture, but also attacked à  ° variety of practices of commercial leisure that were playing à  ° constitutive role in the making of modern heterosexuality. These practices emerged from à  ° culture of heterosexual courtship which was increasingly based on public spaces and commercial leisure. As the family was supplanted by commercial and public space as à  ° site for courtship, new rules, practices and pathologies were associated with these spaces of leisure. New rituals such as ‘dating, pre-marital sex in the form of petting, the use of public and semi-public spaces like dance halls and parks as an arena for courtship, and à  ° vibrant and expanding obscene print culture, all formed part of à  ° complex of practices in opposition to which new standards of sexual knowledge and health were defined. For sex reformers, the principal problem with these new forms of expression was that they encouraged forms of sexuality that were inherently unsatisfiable. Sexually titillating material of all kinds in cinema, theatre, print culture and in social practices such as dating or petting threatened to arouse the sexual instincts outside à  ° moral or ethical context. For conservatives, the threat posed by obscenity resulted from the lack of the former, for sex reformers, the latter. The result was à  ° culture which was assumed to produce forms of sexual expression such as petting, homosexuality, masturbation or fantasy which were at best emotionally detached and at worst were foreign to the true nature of the sexual impulse. The ignorant sensuality of the masses and the passivity of their new recreations was one of the cliche ´s of interwar cultural debate. However, à  ° characteristic attribute of sex radicalism was the conviction that such ignorance was not unavoidably the fault of the masses themselves, but resulted principally from British habits of suppression. The argument put so ferociously by D. H. Lawrence, that censorship eroticized confidentiality, and thereby distorted the sexual impulse, was widely adopted. Edward Charles, author of an investigation into the nature of the sexual desire, was only one author to put Lawrences case. He described à  ° fixation on the veil of secrecy which was ‘very like fetishism and which ‘obsesses probably 70 per cent of the population. As à  ° result, an ‘unsatisfiable lasciviousness characterized the treatment of sex in accepted culture, while most people were satisfied to ‘spiritually masturbate before the knees of chorus girls or the walnut-stain sun-tan of the athletic-looking gigolo. Part of the antidote to mass taste was the spread of expertise. George Bernard Shaw, stating ‘The need for expert opinion in sexual reform to the World League for Sexual Reform Congress in 1929, observed that the masses were intrinsically conservative and unable of self-realization. Brought up as they were in clouds of secrecy, ‘the mass of people . . . have no idea of liberty in this direction. On the contrary, he continued, they were ‘the most ferocious opponents of it. Democracy, in which this inert mass ruled, tended only to reinforce this tendency. Arguing along similar lines, the progressive journal Plan stated in 1935 that sex education must ‘eradicate the obscurantist view of sex through ‘the premeditated adoption of à  ° scale of values based upon reason and knowledge as distinct from superstition. This was to be done through the institution of networks of expertise, through the provision of ‘easily available sources of information (e.g. public clinics, lectures, books) upon sexual questions. In spite of this indistinctness, it was usually accepted that controlling the trade in such ‘low material was both necessary and desirable. The predicament was that the current law was not precise enough. The extraction of the Well of Loneliness in 1928 focused the debate on the breakdown of the law to differentiate between ‘frank pornography and art. But in the wake of the trial, many supporters of Radclyffe Hall and D. H. Lawrence were happy to argue that ‘actual pornography should be appropriately policed. The publisher Eric Partridge was not the first to conclude, following the case, that the Obscene Publications Act permitted ‘genuine literature to be confused with worthless pornography. Partridge, whose firm published Norah Jamess Great War novel Sleeveless Errand which was banned in 1931, wrote that although literary censorship was foolish, ‘Few would care to countenance the importation of books and pictures so filthily pornographic that they horrify and nauseate. Equally those in literary circles, like the journalist Kingsley Martin, who was also à  ° member of the FPSI (foundation for public service interpreting) board, argued: ‘Most people agree that it is à  ° good thing to maintain à  ° hold over the vendors of books and postcards whose only object is to excite passion. Selling Pornography, Selling Science Historians of the twentieth century have tended to think of the market in pornography as furtive, largely invisible and devoid of the ‘real erotic content and photographic detail that has defined contemporary culture. However, networks did exist which brought pornography directly and indiscriminately into the middle-class home via the postal service. The sale of erotic postcards and literary classics seems to have functioned in two ways. Customers were either approached by speculative mail shots or were reached through the careful compilation and sharing of names by distributors. By the 1930s, the other principal outlets for pornography were the bookshops in most major cities. Some pornography was also distributed by legitimate companies. The problem posed by this market for sex reformers was not just that canonical works of sexology, but also their own books, often circulated along the same networks. Not only did the nature of the Obscene Publications Act make this situation uniquely problematic, but some of the obscene genres which emerged at this time, such as pulp magazines, set themselves up as more digestible, accessible and successful rivals of more serious sex reform and education. It was, he argued, ‘perfectly legitimate for à  ° reader to respond to writing which may be classified under the category of erotic realism. Since it was ‘entirely legitimate for any reader to be interested in such things, it was ‘equally healthy and legitimate for him to derive instruction and enlightenment from such works whether they be fiction, poetry, or strictly scientific studies. There was, though, an equality of value between these media because now, more than ever, ‘the man in the street may well, in fact, derive more enlightenment from an erotic novel than from à  ° medical treatise. Yet for sellers, buyers and advertisers of these different genres, such equivalence had always been obvious, and had made up à  ° vital element of the sexual life world of individual readers. à  body of sexual knowledge, which linked therapeutics and instruction with à  ° new ethos of lifestyle pornography, was formed therefore partly via the protracted but ultimately enthusiastic compromise of expert opinion with consumerism. The Legal Regulation Of Pornography In United Kingdom Before the 1960s, sex education was conceived by sex reformers to be à  ° problematic business of ‘reforming an inadequate and possibly perverse public. For these reformers, the problem of sexuality in mass society was typified by the conjunction of two things: first, by à  ° generalized and pervasive sexualized aesthetic, which was held by many intellectuals before and after 1945 to epitomize the incitements and repressions of popular culture; and second, by pornography and other obscene material. Although it has Been attempted, defining obscenity and pornography is impossible unless the protean nature of the terms is addressed. As à  ° number of writers has demonstrated, the obscene is an empty category, usually legal and cultural, which can include anything and is not necessarily defined by its sexual content. Cultural battles to secure the meaning of pornography and obscenity are therefore inherent in the very formation of the terms as legal and cultural categories, and are best seen as varied attempts to establish à  ° particular brand of artistic or moral authority. As Walter Kendrick has pointed out, the obs Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century â€Å"The legal regulation of pornography in the 21 st century in the United Kingdom†Abstract: Pornography accompanied humanity for a long time though the expressions of pornography vary with time and technological progress. Previously, the pornography industry was concentrating mainly in painting, with the invention of printing the pornography was widespread, later on with the invention of photography it led to the dissemination of pornographic pictures, furthermore the invention of cinema led the pornographic films in a similar vein and now video web, soon joined the pornography industry. Proper social and legal attitude toward pornography is a controversial subject for many years, some think about pornography in terms of obscenity breakthroughs based on religion or morality and refuse to discuss the problem or give it attention, others think of pornography in terms of liberal sexual liberation and freedom of expression and catch it embodies basic rights that protect them from oppression and mute. In the 70th new sound was heard the female voice is also joining the feminist opposition camp, as demand for gender equality and concern for the status of women. The problem of pornography remained a debate that hadnt been decided and resolved; the subject of pornography raises difficult issues relevant theoretical and philosophical issues of ethics, morality and arouses many legal disputes. In the following paper I will review the phenomenon of pornography in the United Kingdom in the context of the definitions, legal aspects and the developments. Furthermore I will analyze the problems that come with the pornography, the harm and the influence that it has on the children and youth. The main argument of this paper is the use of the freedom of expression to protect pornography. Other not less important argument in this paper deals with the question â€Å"whether the society does enough to protect young children and the next generation from the harms of pornography?†And eventually I will conclude the topic by including some suggestions for the future. Introduction Defining Pornography One of the main problem with the pornography is the fact that it is not defined in a clear definitions that can refer to each person individually. According to the online vocabulary the pornography is defined as â€Å"The explicit depiction or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, films or photography that is intended to stimulate erotic, rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings†. Any material such as pictures, videos, CDs, books or even words that are sexually explicit qualifies as Pornography. The definition explains the meaning of the pornography by saying that pornography involves more physical feelings rather then the emotion feelings, but the definition is not explaining the meaning of the term â€Å"Sexually explicit†. Thats when the definition problem plays the key role, how can we define what sexually explicit is when each person sees and understand things differently based on their culture, religion and personal preferences and morals, in certain countries showing womans uncovered ankles is considered as sexual explicit while in most of the modern western countries bare ankles, arms or even belly is not considered as anything unusual, however even in modern society some materials still count as sexually explicit such as representation of sexual acts in a written or visual way and a demonstration of very intimate exposed body parts such as the genitalia . The contradiction here is that an important question can be a raised â€Å"Does medical book considered as pornography?†based on the fact that Medical books contain demonstration of exposed genitalia pictures. The answer is that anatomy medical books are not viewed as pornography because of its purpose, the purpose of the anatomy book is to educate and give necessary information to the medical student it does not involve entertainment or stimulation of the viewer. According to the Etymology (Study that deals with the history of the words and how their form and meaning have changed over the centuries) the history of the word â€Å"Pornography†starts in 1857, and is translated as (â€Å"description of prostitutes) from French â€Å"pornographie†and from Greek â€Å"pornographos†(one) writing of prostitutes, from porne prostitute, originally bought, purchased (with an original notion, probably of female slave sold for prostitution; related t o pernanai to sell, from PIE root per- to traffic in, to sell, cf. L. pretium price) + graphein to write. Originally used of classical art and writing; application to modern examples began 1880s. Main modern meaning salacious writing or pictures represents a slight shift from the etymology, though classical depictions of prostitution usually had this quality†The Greeks were writing and painting such frescos on the walls of their brothels in order to advertise the homes were women sold their â€Å"love†to Greeks for money. As it was mentioned earlier it is a difficult task to define Pornography legally and morally as an individual due to the fact that most people can not distinguish the difference between Pornography and Erotica, it is very common to consider that Erotica is a â€Å"liter†and more censored version of Pornography. According to the Etymology the meaning of the word Erotic appears in 1621, and can be translated from the Greek word â€Å"Eroticos†as â€Å"sexual love†. If to compare the meanings and the definitions of the words Pornography and Erotica it is quite clear that Erotica is explained as something more pure and emotional rather when pornography is shown as something more physical and dirty. But mostly the term Erotica or Erotic is usually used my the artists and the art industry itself, furthermore artists after creating piece of art that include nudity or uncensored words that describe sexuality justify their work by saying that their piece of art is an Er otic rather then Pornographic due to the fact that the art represents something meaningful and has a point or a story to tell, it was created as a thought and it is not made in order to sexually stimulate the viewer. But again it is all in the eyes of the viewer to decide whether it is erotic or pornographic display that they see. In the case of Jacob Ellis v. Ohio, 1964 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. The words â€Å"But I know it when I see it†reinforce the point that it is up to the individual to decide whether it is pornography or not. The 21st Century Concerns Through the history of democracy freedom of expression and preoccupation always won the argument, the only time when it really straggled was when the debate was about the issue with the Pornography. The discussion over the engagement to permit the pornography takes place in countries among the most active broad issues in the field. From preoccupation with the limits of freedom of expression, freedom of religious and belief or alternatively, the separation between religion and state, questions about womens equal rights feminism, and more. Pornography, then, surprisingly, is deeply connected with it being a democracy. All these discussions about democracy are related and constitute an essential part of any such system. Democracy, if it wants to survive, requires providing an extensive freedom of expression also things that the community may not like to see, and allow its members to practice them and choose for them selves as long as it is not violates the rights of the others. Pornography also touches on gender, the countrys morality, crime, constitution and relations between the sexes. Regardless of the major issues and impacts that pornography has on children and women it is impossible and incorrect to prohibit pornography the answer is to restrict it to the levels where young children are protected and have no access to it, while the adults are free to have an access to pornography as long as it is not harming others. The only time when Pornography must be prohibit and banned is in the case of a child pornography and violent pornography. For the reasons that children are not able to protect them selves thats our duty as an adults to make sure children are away from those industries furthermore violent sex must be prohibit due to its nature. Adults that watch violent and extreme pornography are influenced by them and start to behave similarly. True it is not the video that makes a person to develop their personality and behavior, person is developed by their nature and nurture but those videos have an influence that might change ones views and believes by believing and accepting the porn as real. And the best argument for it is the example of advertising if images, videos and books are not influencing people then why people use advertisement? People are captured by the images and the human brain receives tons of images and information even when the person is not trying to obtain them. The main concern in the 21st century is the improvement and the development in the technology, the importance of the internet is major. People and most curtain children enjoy the virtual life due to the fact that internet is a free world where one can â€Å"slide†from one world to another as an anonymous. There is no need to prove your identity and your age. And those places on the web that do require identity prove such as the age confirmation it is very easy to lie or give false information and there is no way to check the reality of the one. The law protects the children and young people under the age of 18 in the real world by prohibiting the expose of the children to pornography and the prohibition to sell and provide pornographic materials to under aged young people and children. The law considers that a child would not be able to hide their age because those that sell the pornographic materials must check some ID that will prove their age. But that protection is not working on the virtual world at all. On the internet anyone and anytime can access pornographic materials such as videos and images for free and there is no need to provide any ID or proof of the real age of the viewer. Those websites that require providing an age by registering and providing the date of birth it is extremely simple to fool by typing a year of birth that is under the year of 1991. The problem in 21st century is the fact that the freedom of expression and speech is very important and can not be changed even if it means to protect our children from been exposed to Pornography. By prohibiting Pornography the rights of the creator and the consumer of the porn are violated, for the creator of porn because it is freedom of expressions, freedom of speech while for the consumer it is the right to enjoy the information or in the case of pornography materials. Yes if can be changed by arguing that children are more important then the right to create pornography but the problem here is not prohibition of pornography its the issue with the later circumstances that will follow the prohibition. In that can other people can try ban, limit or control other ways of freedom of speech and expression. One exception will lead to other exceptions and furthermore the freedom of the speech will be under the danger. For example in China the government decided to fight with pornography by banning and prohibiting Pornography totally including virtual pornography as well. All the major internet search bars such as Google yahoo and local Chinese tudou and beidu are blocked when ever users try to search for porn/pornography/sex. Not only are those, users that try to search those materials automatically appearing in the list of people that need to be under control. It might be a good idea to do so in a case of child pornography, in that way it would be easier to catch pedophiles but to block all the pornographic materials is not a correct way and to be honest impossible hackers can re open those websites secretly without any problems. It is a human nature to be curios and be interested in what is considered to be â€Å"forbidden†by restricting and prohibiting pornography materials the Chinese government is rising the curiosity of the youth to find out what is banned and why. Furthermore it can affect the youth in a bad way, some young people are shy and cannot consult with a doctor regards sex therefore they try to find out the information online. By blocking all the information regards sex the youth might not know the risk that it has (Chinese government is blocking not only pornography websites but any website or materials that include or describe sex and sexuality). Focus Of The Paper The paper will discuss and analyze a very interesting and important question of the Legal regulation of the Pornography in the 21st century in the United Kingdom. The question of the pornography is a complicated subject that has a major influence on the people. The paper is divided into chapters and each chapter deals with an individual subject or an issue that comes with the terms of the pornography. Introduction: the introduction to the subject of the pornography has three sections. First section deals with the definitions of the term pornography and the etymological definition of the word. Second section deals with the issues that occur with the pornography in the 21st century such as the freedom of speech and the first amendment that protects the pornography from been banned. Third section explains the focus of the paper by the chapters. The regulation of the pornography is divided into four sections. First section deals with the origins of the pornography with the historical evidence of the first pornographic illustrations, and the evolution of the pornography through the centuries with some famous pieces of art and literature that are defined as pornography. Not to be confused chapter two, section one deals with the background of the pornography itself and not the definition and meaning of the term â€Å"pornography†as it is in the first chapter, section one. Section two: The evolution of the pornography in the United Kingdom explains the influence and the development that lead pornography into United Kingdom, and illustrates the development of the pornography industry in the United Kingdom. Section three deals with the legal regulation of Pornography in United Kingdom, through the history. At last section four discusses the obscene publication act 1959, the power of the act and the bars that it created. Furthermore the section deals with the changes in the pornography industry and the legislations in the second half of the 20th century. The Danger Of The Pornography Is Divided Into Two Sections That Deal With The Harm Of The Pornography And The Influence It Has On The People. Section one deal with the issue of the children and pornography, the section discusses the danger and the influence that pornography has on the children, how the law protects the children from the pornography on the internet and in the everyday life. Section two deals with the topic of women and the pornography, how the pornography changed the views on women and the behavior of the men towards them, furthermore the section deals with the views of the feminists and the psychological studies that deal with the affect of the pornography on the violence towards women. Pornography and the morality is divided into two sections Section one deals with the changes that pornography brought into our lives, and the important problem that most of the countries deal with, the lost of the cultural and the traditional values influenced by the pornography. Section two of this chapter deals with the question of the pornography and the morality, the right of the one to be protected from been exposed to the pornographic materials, and furthermore how the religion deals with the rapid spread of the pornography industry. criticism and suggestions is divided into two sections. Section one deals with the criticism of the law towards pornography, the first amendment and the freedom of the speech that are used as a protective umbrella for the producers and the people that create the pornography industry and how the law protect ones right by limiting other persons rights. Last section of the chapter four deals with the proposals and suggestions that can and need to be done in order to protect the children from been exposed to the pornographic materials and to put a balance between freedom of speech and the pornography that is harmful, and finally to try to find a solution that will increase the protection from the pornography rather then to simply try to ban it. Pornography law cases and famous scandals This section illustrates the famous law cases and scandals that involved the topic of pornography in the United Kingdome and the rest of the world that influenced and lead to new legal terms. Conclusion The conclusion of the paper. The Regulation Of Pornography The Origins Of Pornography Pornography has its own story as well it turns out that the history of the Pornography is almost like a long history of mankind. The first pornography images actually appeared before the modern era, researchers discovered rock paintings demonstrating coitus and hunting between ancient people. It is slightly inaccurate to define those Petroglyphs as pornography based on the fact that the purpose of drawing those images is unknown. Human sexuality always documented throughout history, beginning with nude pictures on vases in Greece and Rome, where naked men and women were documented as an expression of beauty and admiration. In an ancient India scholar named Vatsyayana created the first Sanskrit text known as the â€Å"Kama Sutra†that explains the rules and manuals of sex, love and marriage. The Kama Sutra includes very detailed sexual intercourse images and explanations, Kama Sutra is the first and the most known pornographic text book, and furthermore Vatsyayana feared that the papers would disappear with time and decide to decorate the temples of Kajuharo with pornographic images of people having sex. With the beginning of the Christianity and the rise to the power, and with the fall of the Roman Empire, sex and sexuality started to be referenced variously. Species currently perceived as a source of sin, the cause that brought the expulsion of the first man from Eden. This moral concept came to serve as an alternative to the Roman liberated morality. In fact, with the change of human perception good creature has become a potential sinner, and that changed the attitude towards sex and it became anathema. St. Augustines writings reference woman and sex as the most negative kind. Augustine divides people into two the God-loving minority vast majority that love meat. People are uncontrollable with lust, especially when it comes to sex. Thus medieval Christianity tries literally to delete sex and sexuality. Sexuality will be used for breeding, and this only to prevent the extinction of the human kind. When sexuality becomes illegal the pornography began to fill in the space by creating rough sex charts and nudity illustrations. Throughout the middle Ages pornography was perceived as sexual sin, was addressed by the institutions accordingly. Sex ratio has not changed throughout this period until the Renaissance, which presented the female body as an expression of divine beauty with the paintings of many contemporary artists. Nudity and sex were further accepted as something artistic and beautiful rather then something sinful as it was earlier. It all changed during the days of Queen Victoria in Britain, which issued a number of laws prohibiting sexual publications. Ironically under this prohibition actually was published the most erotic newspaper written during that time called The Pearl, the pearl was an erotic newspaper that included numerous erotic stories and poems and was published in underground. Nudity and sexuality bursting again with the invention of the cinema, two years after the invention first time woman was undressed on the movie screens of French film Le BAIN from 1896. Early 20th century sexuality wins legitimacy and continues until the mid-thirties, when the American Film Committee takes laws and regulations that prohibit sexuality and nudity on the screen. But again, when sexuality is outlawed and prohibited it finds a way to get back in with some surprising ways. These constraints and prohibitions forced many screenwriters to come up with various ways of allusions to sex; known among them is the line: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?†With the beginning of the sixties sexual revolution begins in the United States. This brings the bloom of magazines such as Playboy, first published in 1953 was the first mens magazine. Penthouse came out second after the Playboy in 1969, and the Hustler that surged into the world in1974. The last one reached the courts due to its contents, and the U.S. Supreme Court acquitted the magazine from its opponents claim with the right to the freedom of expression and preoccupation. Sexuality is among at last, and institutional recognition opens the legitimacy it has never won before. In the 20th century the pornography era grow and put its stamp in the business industry becoming part of normal modern life, with the inventions of the technology such as VCR and later on DVD In the 90th including the Internet breakthrough making pornography available to the home computers and a telephone lines it become so easy for a viewer to watch Pornography online. the access to pornography become easier and more private and that factor increase the demand for pornographic materials. It is very interesting how fast the civilization showed a progress, in 19th century people who were caught spreading pornography were brought to the court and had to pay fines. While today in the 21st century pornography is legalized almost in all countries with exception of Muslim states, India and China. The Evolution Of The Pornography In United Kingdom In addition to the legal definition, pornography was also at the centre of debates on elite and mass culture, and on the legitimacy of modernist literature, especially in interwar Britain. The nature of this debate evidently had its origins in the question of cultural authority and artistic value which preoccupied rational elites between the wars, and produced the disdainful Leavisite attitudes towards the masses catalogued by John Carey and D. L. LeMahieu. Though, this was not only à  ° debate about culture. For sex reformers, it was also about new social practices. Before and after 1945, sex radicals not merely decried the form of mass culture, but also attacked à  ° variety of practices of commercial leisure that were playing à  ° constitutive role in the making of modern heterosexuality. These practices emerged from à  ° culture of heterosexual courtship which was increasingly based on public spaces and commercial leisure. As the family was supplanted by commercial and public space as à  ° site for courtship, new rules, practices and pathologies were associated with these spaces of leisure. New rituals such as ‘dating, pre-marital sex in the form of petting, the use of public and semi-public spaces like dance halls and parks as an arena for courtship, and à  ° vibrant and expanding obscene print culture, all formed part of à  ° complex of practices in opposition to which new standards of sexual knowledge and health were defined. For sex reformers, the principal problem with these new forms of expression was that they encouraged forms of sexuality that were inherently unsatisfiable. Sexually titillating material of all kinds in cinema, theatre, print culture and in social practices such as dating or petting threatened to arouse the sexual instincts outside à  ° moral or ethical context. For conservatives, the threat posed by obscenity resulted from the lack of the former, for sex reformers, the latter. The result was à  ° culture which was assumed to produce forms of sexual expression such as petting, homosexuality, masturbation or fantasy which were at best emotionally detached and at worst were foreign to the true nature of the sexual impulse. The ignorant sensuality of the masses and the passivity of their new recreations was one of the cliche ´s of interwar cultural debate. However, à  ° characteristic attribute of sex radicalism was the conviction that such ignorance was not unavoidably the fault of the masses themselves, but resulted principally from British habits of suppression. The argument put so ferociously by D. H. Lawrence, that censorship eroticized confidentiality, and thereby distorted the sexual impulse, was widely adopted. Edward Charles, author of an investigation into the nature of the sexual desire, was only one author to put Lawrences case. He described à  ° fixation on the veil of secrecy which was ‘very like fetishism and which ‘obsesses probably 70 per cent of the population. As à  ° result, an ‘unsatisfiable lasciviousness characterized the treatment of sex in accepted culture, while most people were satisfied to ‘spiritually masturbate before the knees of chorus girls or the walnut-stain sun-tan of the athletic-looking gigolo. Part of the antidote to mass taste was the spread of expertise. George Bernard Shaw, stating ‘The need for expert opinion in sexual reform to the World League for Sexual Reform Congress in 1929, observed that the masses were intrinsically conservative and unable of self-realization. Brought up as they were in clouds of secrecy, ‘the mass of people . . . have no idea of liberty in this direction. On the contrary, he continued, they were ‘the most ferocious opponents of it. Democracy, in which this inert mass ruled, tended only to reinforce this tendency. Arguing along similar lines, the progressive journal Plan stated in 1935 that sex education must ‘eradicate the obscurantist view of sex through ‘the premeditated adoption of à  ° scale of values based upon reason and knowledge as distinct from superstition. This was to be done through the institution of networks of expertise, through the provision of ‘easily available sources of information (e.g. public clinics, lectures, books) upon sexual questions. In spite of this indistinctness, it was usually accepted that controlling the trade in such ‘low material was both necessary and desirable. The predicament was that the current law was not precise enough. The extraction of the Well of Loneliness in 1928 focused the debate on the breakdown of the law to differentiate between ‘frank pornography and art. But in the wake of the trial, many supporters of Radclyffe Hall and D. H. Lawrence were happy to argue that ‘actual pornography should be appropriately policed. The publisher Eric Partridge was not the first to conclude, following the case, that the Obscene Publications Act permitted ‘genuine literature to be confused with worthless pornography. Partridge, whose firm published Norah Jamess Great War novel Sleeveless Errand which was banned in 1931, wrote that although literary censorship was foolish, ‘Few would care to countenance the importation of books and pictures so filthily pornographic that they horrify and nauseate. Equally those in literary circles, like the journalist Kingsley Martin, who was also à  ° member of the FPSI (foundation for public service interpreting) board, argued: ‘Most people agree that it is à  ° good thing to maintain à  ° hold over the vendors of books and postcards whose only object is to excite passion. Selling Pornography, Selling Science Historians of the twentieth century have tended to think of the market in pornography as furtive, largely invisible and devoid of the ‘real erotic content and photographic detail that has defined contemporary culture. However, networks did exist which brought pornography directly and indiscriminately into the middle-class home via the postal service. The sale of erotic postcards and literary classics seems to have functioned in two ways. Customers were either approached by speculative mail shots or were reached through the careful compilation and sharing of names by distributors. By the 1930s, the other principal outlets for pornography were the bookshops in most major cities. Some pornography was also distributed by legitimate companies. The problem posed by this market for sex reformers was not just that canonical works of sexology, but also their own books, often circulated along the same networks. Not only did the nature of the Obscene Publications Act make this situation uniquely problematic, but some of the obscene genres which emerged at this time, such as pulp magazines, set themselves up as more digestible, accessible and successful rivals of more serious sex reform and education. It was, he argued, ‘perfectly legitimate for à  ° reader to respond to writing which may be classified under the category of erotic realism. Since it was ‘entirely legitimate for any reader to be interested in such things, it was ‘equally healthy and legitimate for him to derive instruction and enlightenment from such works whether they be fiction, poetry, or strictly scientific studies. There was, though, an equality of value between these media because now, more than ever, ‘the man in the street may well, in fact, derive more enlightenment from an erotic novel than from à  ° medical treatise. Yet for sellers, buyers and advertisers of these different genres, such equivalence had always been obvious, and had made up à  ° vital element of the sexual life world of individual readers. à  body of sexual knowledge, which linked therapeutics and instruction with à  ° new ethos of lifestyle pornography, was formed therefore partly via the protracted but ultimately enthusiastic compromise of expert opinion with consumerism. The Legal Regulation Of Pornography In United Kingdom Before the 1960s, sex education was conceived by sex reformers to be à  ° problematic business of ‘reforming an inadequate and possibly perverse public. For these reformers, the problem of sexuality in mass society was typified by the conjunction of two things: first, by à  ° generalized and pervasive sexualized aesthetic, which was held by many intellectuals before and after 1945 to epitomize the incitements and repressions of popular culture; and second, by pornography and other obscene material. Although it has Been attempted, defining obscenity and pornography is impossible unless the protean nature of the terms is addressed. As à  ° number of writers has demonstrated, the obscene is an empty category, usually legal and cultural, which can include anything and is not necessarily defined by its sexual content. Cultural battles to secure the meaning of pornography and obscenity are therefore inherent in the very formation of the terms as legal and cultural categories, and are best seen as varied attempts to establish à  ° particular brand of artistic or moral authority. As Walter Kendrick has pointed out, the obs
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Authors of the 70s :: essays research papers
Litature is a major contributory factor in a decade. In the 70s there were several break-out authors who we still read and look up to today. Among them are John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates, Kurt Vonnegut, Toni Morrison, Neil Simon, Sam Sheperd, Agatha Christie, Robert C. Atkins, Christina Crawford, Richard Nixon, Carl Sagan, and Stephen King. Robert C. Atkins is responsible for the Atkins Diet which has taken America by storm. Christina Crawford is responsible for the book Mommie Dearest, which gave an in depth view into the life of Christina Crawford growing up as Joan Crawford’s daughter. Richard Nixon wrote the book Memoirs of Richard Nixon. And Stephen King debuted in 1979 with his first big name book, The Dead Zone. Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in Lorain, Ohio in 1931. Her six major novels--The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, Sula, Tar Baby, Beloved, and Jazz--have collected nearly every major literary prize. Ms. Morrison received the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1977 for Song of Solomon. In 1987, Beloved was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Her body of work was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. Other major awards include: the 1996 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the Pearl Buck Award (1994), the title of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters (Paris, 1994), and 1978 Distinguished Writer Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Ms. Morrison was appointed Robert F. Goheen Professor of the Council of the Humanities at Princeton University in the spring of 1989. Before coming to Princeton, she held teaching posts at Yale University, Bard College, and Rutgers University. In 1990 she delivered the Clark lectures at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Massey Lectures at Harvard University. Ms. Morrison was also a senior editor at Random House for twenty years. She has degrees from Howard and Cornell Universities. A host of colleges and universities have given honorary degrees to Ms. Morrison. Among them are Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Sarah Lawrence College, Dartmouth, Yale, Georgetown, Columbia University and Brown University. Ms. Morrison was commissioned by Carnegie Hall in 1992 to write lyrics for "Honey and Me", an original piece of music by Andre Previn. The lyrics were sung in performance by Kathleen Battle. In 1997, she wrote the lyrics for "Sweet Talk", which was written by Richard Danielpour and performed in concert by Jessye Norman.
Monday, November 11, 2019
United Nations Role in Peace and Security
As we all know the UNO is an international organization of almost 192 member countries of the world and was founded – rather replaced by the League of Nations some 63 years back in October 24,1945 in San Francisco, California, shortly after World War -II. No doubt the tragedy, bloodshed, massacre, hunger and nuclear atrocities by the USA gave alarming feelings to the nations to freeing the world from the possibility of wars in future. However, its successes and failures in achieving this objective are still debatable. The UNO as stated above is a renewed precursor body of the League of Nations. So before reviewing the UNO’s functions, it will be worthwhile to look into the history of the League as the new generation is not much aware of its role. LEAGUE OF NATIONS The League was founded after the devastation, slaughter, disaster and atrocities of the world war-I. It was also an international organization set up in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919-20 with only 58 members. Its major goal consisted of disarmament, prevention of war and settling disputes between the countries. The harbinger of setting up this organization was the United States President Mr. Woodrow Wilson. But surprisingly the Senate of his own country refused to become its member which was, no doubt, a serious blow to the prestige of the League. However, other great powers like the United Kingdom and France remained its members. It was to fulfil the dream of fundamental shift in the thought from the preceding centuries. Unlike the UNO,the League did not have its own armed forces and was dependent on the great powers to enforce its resolutions and peace-making struggles. It could not enforce its three sanctions as envisaged under its covenant. Therefore after,no doubt, a few notable successes, the following failures resulted in its replacement by the United Nations:- 1. In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria but no effective sanction was imposed on the aggressor. 2. In 1935,Italy attacked Abyssinia but none of the great powers took any notice of it. . 3. Germany was not allowed to join the League in 1919 as it had started the war. 4. Russia was also denied its membership in 1917 being a communist government to pose fear in Western Europe. Eventually these three most powerful countries could not play their positive role in supporting the league. This sort of plight has been stated by Mussolini in a sarcaustic manner as under: â€Å"The League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out†So the League after the end of the first world war was replaced by the UNO in 1945 having remained in existence from 1919 to 1945. THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION After the closure of the League of Nations, the UNO was established on 24th October,1945 but its first General Assembly comprising 51 member countries was held on 10th January,1946 in London. One can well assess that the brunts and tragedies of both the world wars gave a fillip to the idea of revamping the body of the League to play more effective role anew to restore peace and harmony amongst the states. This idea was elaborated in the Declarations signed during war time conferences held in Moscow and Tehran in 1943. Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of the USA proposed its name as UNITED NATIONS. Its charter was drafted by the governments as well as non-government organizations like Lion Club International. To start with 51 nations signed the charter of the United Nations. The charter was later ratified by five permanent members of the Security Council viz: USA, UK, France and China, followed by a majority of the other 40 signatories. As a result of the unanimous votes by the U. S. Senate and the House of Representatives, the UNO’s Headquarter were made in the United States. Accordingly U. N. Headquarters building was constructed in New York city in 1949 and 1950 beside the East River on the land purchased by an 8. million dollars donation from John D. Rockefeller. The land is now considered international territory but apart from some diplomatic privileges and immunities, the laws of the New York city,New York state and the U. S. in general do apply. The UNO is supported by some other organizations like the Security Council, UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO and a few more to resolve conflicts and to maintain peace in the world as well as to eliminate illiteracy, poverty, hunger and to enhance respect for human rights. PAKISTAN’S ROLE IN THE UNO. Pakistan is proud to play its role in the peace-keeping missions of the United Nations. Pakistan became its member on 30th September,1947 i. e. just after one month’s creation of it on the world map as a new country. Since 1960, Pakistan is enthusiastically performing its responsibility in the U. N. peace-keeping missions with over ten thousand troops and observers. Currently Pakistan’s involvement in restoring peace in Somalia, Sierra Leon, Bosnia, Congo, Liberia and East Temore have been commended not by the UNO but the world at large. No other country including any muslim state has been that active to contribute this sort of role in the United Nations. This speaks of the valour and vividity of our armed forces on the global impact. Conclusion The first decade of the 21st century is going to complete with both hope and distress co-existing side by side. Peace and development and concept of democracy and equality are still missing in many parts of the world despite our trumpeted slogan of world getting into a global village. No doubt the globalization has drawn countries closer and closer with reference to their economic relationship, advanced means of communications and regional cooperation etc. But these developments are posing some alarming questions to the general public like local wars, revolutions and conflicts coming up from time to time. The Iraq war and situation between Israel and Palestine witnessing tragedies every day. Similarly wars in Africa entangled with poverty and diseases are still continuing. As a matter of fact after the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on 6th and 8th August,1945, the possession of nuclear device by some countries created a sense of self-protection and safety. In this way the dream of peace and harmony in the world does not seem to be converted into the reality in the near future. But we are not that pessimist because the UNO is undoubtedly a microcosm of the world and despite so many reservations politically, its role in promoting disarmament for a safer future to the posterity cannot be denied. In the global concept its importance and necessity is gaining momentum day by day. It is now the most acclaimed universal representative and authoritative organization with 192 member countries in its present set up and we do hope that it will progress more in the time to come. Those countries who have not become its members so far, should also come forward to strengthen the UNO in general and the present Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon In particular.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Simulation Of First Come First Served FCFS
Any modification on the scheduling algorithm will appear as modification on the operating system kernel code. Processor is an important source of CPU scheduling process, so it becomes very important on accomplishing of the operating system design goals. A delicate problem of the well-functioning of SO is the case when in CPU comes two or more processes which wants to be executed. Scheduling includes a range of mechanisms and policies that SO has to follows in order that all processes take the service.In this Paper we will discuss about two main batches algorithms, such as FCC and SF, and I will how a manner how to improve these algorithms in the future work. Keywords – CPU-Scheduling, Scheduler, OFFS, SF. 1. Introduction CPU scheduling is important because when we have multiple renewable processes, it can have a big effect on resource utilization and the overall performance of the system [2]. C.I Latency time: that is the time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process an d start another running CPU scheduling deals with the problem of choosing a process from the ready queue to be executed by the CAP]. In a scheduling process is the responsibility of scheduler to determine when a recess moves from running state to waiting state also scheduler passes a process from the ready state to the execution state[J. In general waiting queues use FIFO and LIFO policies. We have two types of scheduling algorithms preemptive and non-preemptive.It's preemptive in those cases where the execution of a process can be interrupted by another process (which may have higher priority), while non-preemptive when a process takes control of the CPU and do not leave it until the end of execution The performance of scheduling is linked to several parameters: CPU Usage: CPU should be kept busy at 100% of time . 2. Throughput : Number of process that typically ends executing in the given moment of time . 3. Turnaround time: time which is necessary for the execution of a process. 4. Waiting time: it is time that a process must wait in queue ready to be executed. . Response time : is the time between the reception of the request made , to the first response . We have three types of schedulers: A-Long-term scheduler -? This type of scheduler decides which jobs or processes would be admitted to the ready queue. Also this Scheduler dictates what processes are to run on a system. B-Mid-term Scheduler – One second type scheduler it's mid-term scheduler who removes process from main memory and moves on secondary memory. C-Short-term Scheduler (also known as dispatcher) Dispatcher module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler.Characteristic for dispatcher is the. In order to have an optimal scheduling should be completed follows Eng conditions: 445 1 . CPU-usage – MAX 2. Throughput – Max 3. Turnaround time- MIN 4. Waiting time ; MIN 5. Response time -? MIN[6]. And this is illustrated in Figure 1 that is a fo ur state diagram of OFFS. Is an algorithm non-preemptive so if process take control of CPU and don't leave it until the end of execution. 2. Related Works The scheduler algorithms offer an endless field of study.I am focused on algorithms batch, I chose these algorithms because windows is very prevalent in my country and I think that this paper will help those who study windows as SO -What that concretely will deal in this paper is the simulation of two algorithms ( in order to compare them ) his topic well has studied by [2] on paper published in 201 1, it has become an excellent study from both theory and practice , Alkali Pant has achieved interesting conclusions regarding the: turnaround time, waiting time and response time time which has a great importance in batch systems.Another study that is very interesting is [1 3] , Jerry Breeches describes the way that we can get a process attached to a processor . Fig. 1: First Come First Serve Scheduling Figure 2 gives the flow chart o f PC'S in which the C code is supported , which we will use for simulation[4]. There is a simple structure hat represents the algorithm from the functional and construction. Processes are added one after another in the ready queue and executed in sequential order in time independently by the burst time they have [2].Another study in which based my paper is [1 2] . In this paper Minus Lee explains the problems that appear during scheduling process ,he treats the scheduling process improvement, reducing turnaround time ,waiting time response time and. According to the [1 2] different applications require different optimization criteria as example : batch systems (throughput, turnaround time) , interactive system (response time, fairness, user expectation) . Dry. R. B. Gar in his study [3] explains very clearly idea of scheduling through figures.Others studies that have studied very carefully are [1] , [4] and [6] which helped me to reach a clearer conclusion of waiting time which is i mportant in batches sister. This simulation will be carried through a C code. After I realize this simulation and I calculated the time needed for comparison I have describe a way to improve these algorithms by performance. 3. Theory of Experiment Below will give an overview of algorithms for both instruction and operation. This part will be accompanied by tables and figures to make clear how the functionality of these novo algorithms are. 3. F-CIFS OFFS is the simplest algorithm on batch systems as for the building as for the functioning. Policy that uses this algorithm is that FIFO, so the first process which requires CPU takes seen. ‘ice independently by the size of the process Fig. 2: First Come First Serve flow chart Below present the Gaunt diagram for the three processes for which we have calculated average time. 446 Table . 1 Process Execution Process Duration Order 0 Arrival Time 7 2 4 3 A scheduler adds on the top of the queue a process who has a short extenuation tim e and those who have longer extenuation time into the tail of the queue.This requires advanced knowledge or assumptions about the time needed to complete the process [1]. Fig. 3: Gaunt chart for First Come First Serve As we see from the Gaunt Chart : Pl waiting time -O PA waiting time = 20 PA waiting time = 27 The average waiting time =(0+20+7)/3=9 Advantages OFFS Is an algorithm relatively easy to understand and build, choosing of process for execution is very simple, enough to take the first in the queue and also the processes are added at the end of the queues. Fig. : Shortest First scheduling Basis for part Of the experiment will be the flow chart. At the flow chart of SF figure 5 is very clear the logic, processes will be executed after they are selected preliminarily. Disadvantages Through put is very low this because the long process want a long time to be executed, this leads to the so-called monopolizing of CPU.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essays - Films, To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essays - Films, To Kill A Mockingbird To Kill A Mocking Bird 1-5-00 Book Report # 2 To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mocking Bird is based in about 1935, right in the middle of the depression. It is set in a small town in Alabama called Maycomb. Maycomb, like most small southern towns, has a problem with widespread racism toward Negroes. The novel focuses on one family, the Finches. In the family there are three people, Scout, Jem and Atticus. Atticus is a lawyer and is defending a Negro man in court (Tom Robinson), something that was not often done in the south due to racism. Many people feel threatened by this and feel very resentful toward Atticus. Throughout the novel all the members of the Finches and many others display courage in their attempts to stand up for what they believe in. In the beginning of the novel we meet Jean Louise Finch, or Scout for short. Scout is an energetic little six year old. She still has her innocence and has not yet been able to understand the concepts of racial discrimination or hate. Scout is confused by what some of her classmates have been saying abou t her father, Atticus Finch. Many of her classmates call Atticus a nigger lover. Being only six Scout does not know how to handle such situations so she solves her problems by fighting. On the day that Tom Robinson was moved to the Maycomb jail to await his trial, Atticus left the house to go and sit outside of the jail to watch over Tom to make sure that nothing happens to him. Scout, Jem and Dill followed him there to make sure that nothing happened to him. Suddenly several cars pulled up at the jail. A mob got out of the vehicles and demanded that Atticus step aside so that they could get at Tom. Frightened the children came running to Atticus' side and asked him if everything was okay. Atticus told them to go home, but they refused. Suddenly, Scout saw a man that she knew, Mr. Cunningham. She said hi to him, twice before he acknowledged her. She began asking him questions about his entailments and talking about Walter, his son. At first he said nothing, Scout was afraid that she had done something wrong. Then finally he said something, he said that he would tell Walter that she said hey. After that, they all left. By singling out Mr. Cunningham she turned to mob into individuals and thus making them more aware as to what they were doing. She made Mr. Cunningham realize that Atticus is a man, not a roadblock. Scout showed that even a small girl was able to stop a mob of grown men from doing something that they might regret. Even though Scout was unaware of what she had done she was still the hero of the day and displayed lots of courage by standing up for her father. Scout's brother Jem also shows courage in the novel. Jem is nine years old and is just beginning to show signs of maturing. Jem shows most of his courage by just believing that what his father was doing was the right thing to do. Jem continues to believe throughout the novel that Atticus will win because there was very little evidence to go against Tom, only the words of Mayella and Bob Ewell. This trust and somewhat naive belief that even a Negro can get released from jail is shattered when Tom is sentenced. Jem does not understand how he could be guilty even when all the evidence was pointing towards Bob Ewell. The courage showed by Jem concerning this matter is very strong, partially due to his slight naivet towards the racism that is going on around him. This courage is based on what he has been told by Atticus. Atticus displays the most courage by defending Tom Robinson in court. He knew that having a white man defend a black man in court was unacceptable. He knew that people would resent him for it and he also knew that he would most likely lose the case because a black man has never won a court battle against a white. Atticus never lost hope
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