Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Sonnet 116 and Love Is Not All - 1639 Words
William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Sonnet 116†and Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"Love Is Not All†both attempt to define love, by telling what love is and what it is not. Shakespeare’s sonnet praises love and speaks of love in its most ideal form, while Millay’s poem begins by giving the impression that the speaker feels that love is not all, but during the unfolding of the poem we find the ironic truth that love is all. Shakespeare, on the other hand, depicts love as perfect and necessary from the beginning to the end of his poem. Although these two authors have taken two completely different approaches, both have worked to show the importance of love and to define it. However, Shakespeare is most confident of his definition of love, while Millay seems†¦show more content†¦These are all things that we must have in order to survive, but even though love can give us none of these things, Millay then goes on to say that many men are dying b ecause of a lack of love: â€Å"Yet many a man is making friends with death / Even as I speak, for lack of love alone†(8-9). It important to note that the buildup of what love cannot do is necessary for the dramatic declaration that we need love regardless of how useless it may seem. This is a cleaver ploy by Millay because although she has effectively shown how worthless love is on a physical level, she has also effectively shown how necessary love is on an emotional level. It is important to note that the first eight lines are a part of a single sentence. This is important because it means that if we remove the repeated poetic verse found within these lines, we discover that Millay is simply saying â€Å"Love is not all†¦ / Yet many a man is making friends with death / Even as I speak, for lack of love alone†(1-8) . This is a justifiable conclusion because after the words â€Å"Love is not all†the author uses a colon, which means that the lines followi ng are simply a definition for what she means by â€Å"Love is not all†(1) . When put in such simple terms, it’s easy to see how this is almost indistinguishable from saying, â€Å"Love is not all, but it would be better to be dead than not have it.†The second half of the poem is very different from the beginning half because the lines that follow the first sentenceShow MoreRelatedIs Love An Unattainable Ideal? Essay1388 Words  | 6 PagesIs true love an unattainable ideal? Do we all have a soul mate? Is love just an exchange of lies for the purpose of flattery? These questions, and countless others, regarding love have been pondered by philosophers and pop music stars alike for hundreds of years. William Shakespeare examines these questions from two vantage points in â€Å"Sonnet 116†and â€Å"Sonnet 138.†Firstly, in â€Å"Sonnet 116†, Shakespeare analyzes love in a rhetorical manner, meaning that he is not discussing a specific relationshipRead MoreA Comparison of Shakespeares Sonnets 116 and 1301354 Words  | 5 PagesComparison of Shakespeares Sonnets 116 and 130 Shakespeare examines love in two different ways in Sonnets 116 and 130. In the first, love is treated in its most ideal form as an uncompromising force (indeed, as the greatest force in the universe); in the latter sonnet, Shakespeare treats love from a more practical aspect: it is viewed simply and realistically without ornament. Yet both sonnets are justifiable in and of themselves, for neither misrepresents love or speaks of it slightingly. IndeedRead MoreComparing And Contrasting Two Sonnets1141 Words  | 5 PagesContrasting Two Sonnets ‘Sonnet 116’ by William Shakespeare and ‘What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, And Where, And Why†by Edna St. Vincent Millay are both sonnets that discuss companionship and a glimpse of each poet’s experiences. In ‘Sonnet 116’, Shakespeare illustrates how capability is weakened by its metaphysical stereotype and ideals such as, love, while on the contrary, in ‘What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, And Where, And Why†Millay feeds on the chaos between the ideal of love and its harshRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Poetry Of Love1612 Words  | 7 Pagesheart and his poetry is shaped by love. His poems usually depict the passion and sacredness of relationships. By comparing two poems from William Shakespeare it is shown how he has been able to articulate the poetic theme of love. This seminar will analyze and explore two of Shakespeare’s poems focusing on the particular theme of love. 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In ‘Sonnet 116’, Shakespeare illustrates how capability is weakened by its metaphysical stereotype and ideals such as, love which never seems to wither away according to Shakespeare while on the contrary, in ‘What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, And Where, And Why†Millay feeds on the chaos betweenRead MoreThe Reflection of Emotions964 Words  | 4 PagesCharacters within Shakespeare’s, Much Ado About Nothing display love in a complementary manner to the love written in Sonnet 116. Although arduous situations occur, these individuals are loyal to their love interests. They consistently illustrate their feelings and this factor allows the characters to flourish. This especially true of Benedick, Hero and Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing. As they are victimized by Don John throughout the play, their relationships are strained. However, onceRead MoreShakespearen Sonnets Essay883 Words  | 4 PagesShakespearen Sonnets William Shakespeare is one of the most famous authors of all times. His works span a wide range of formats, styles, and themes. While best known for plays, such as the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, he was also a composer of poetry. To many people, these poems constitute the greatest of Shakespeares accomplishments. They were often highly emotional in nature, and dealt with timeless ideas such as beauty, love, and death. Each one of the poems is unique. Yet for all theirRead MoreShakespeare Sonnet 18 Comparison993 Words  | 4 Pagescomparing some of Shakespeare’s famously known sonnets. William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He was widely referenced as the greatest English writer. I will start this paper giving you a brief summary of each sonnet individually, secondly I will then compare the sonnets drawing in on their similarities, and third I will then draw in on their differences. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 I would say is his best known and famous sonnets. It’s probably the most straight- forwardRead MoreShakespeare - Sonnet 116 Analysis and Interpretation887 Words  | 4 PagesShakespeare – Sonnet 116 Analysis and interpretation Sonnet 116 was written by William Shakespeare and published in 1609. William Shakespeare was an English writer and poet, and has written a lot of famous plays, amongst them Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era. At that time, the literature and art was in bloom, and his works are clearly characterized by that era both as language and theme goes. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, three quatrains
Monday, December 23, 2019
Romanticism - 1649 Words
Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century The Romantic period followed the era of logical, philosophical, and social movement in the 17th to 18th century. However, as the 19th century began, Romanticism came into the light with a new perspective that intrigued the people. It stressed emphasis on emotions and imagination while also helping to realize the importance of self-expression. The American Romanticism movement illustrated inspiration, bias and predominance of individuals in the nineteenth century. Romanticism has a very small amount to do with events and manners traditionally thought of as romantic, even though love may seldom be the topic of Romantic art. It is rather an international artistic and philosophical movement that†¦show more content†¦The Romantics venerated the middle ages which, to them, was a time of spiritual depth and adventure, whereas the Enlightenment thinkers convicted the Middle Ages as dark. Enlightenment thinkers valued logic, reason, and rationali ty, while Romantics valued emotion, passion, and individuality (â€Å"British Romanticism†). The movement was an outcry of the writers who were tired of being told how to perceive and interpret life. Through their work, they offered to show a much different perspective on life which proposed individuality, emotional support, self-importance, and imagination. The Romanticism movement was used by writers and other people to escape reality. At the time, they were going through difficulties, meaning romanticism had a large role in their lives and was a great way to symbolize how they felt. Romantics particularly called for much more attention to emotions as an obligatory supplement to purely logical reason (â€Å"Romanticism†). Emphasis on the activity of the imagination was accompanied by greater emphasis on the importance of intuition, instincts, and feelings (â€Å"Romanticism†). Emotion over reason is considered one of the main features or approaches of Romanti cism. Valuing emotion and imagination over reason and heart over head was a crucial value during the romanticism Era. Those living in that time realized theShow MoreRelatedRomanticism : Romanticism And Romanticism1444 Words  | 6 PagesRomanticism was a period time 1750 to 1870 in Europe, Latin America and The United States. Romantic Movement didn’t reach to France until the 1820’s. Romanticism main spirit was against of rule, law and formulas that classicism the different characterized of general in 18th century. Imagination, Subjectivity of approach, freedom, Expression and the idealization of nature will be focused in movement of Romantic Literature. In this period industrial revolution with the social and political norms formRead MoreRomanticism : Romanticism And Romanticism1141 Words  | 5 Pagesmovements. Although Romanticism and Modernism differ in their styles, values, and ideology, they were both important periods in literature. Romanticism was a literary movement during the late 18th century until the early 19th century that had an emphasis on the imagination and emotions. The movement moved through every country in Europe, Latin America, and the United States from approximately 1750 to 1870. However, France did not see the movement until the 1820’s. Romanticism was basically a rebellionRead MoreRomanticism Vs. Romanticism : Modernism And Romanticism1050 Words  | 5 Pagesor what does it take to better the society? Well, the Europeans had adapted the Neoclassicism and Romanticism form of art belief, in order to find the answers that they were always looking for. Neoclassicism is the principal of logically viewing life in a mathematics and rational level, especially when it comes to solving worldly issues and it’s expressed through art and literature. However, Romanticism believe in the beauty of art, faith, and rely on intense emotions for judgement. Firstly, the societyRead MoreRomanticis m : The Era Of Romanticism1810 Words  | 8 PagesThrough the late 1700s and early 1800s, the period of Romanticism blossomed. â€Å"Romanticism†very loosely describes the era in which modern culture began to take shape. During the Romantic era, many advancements were made in all aspects of people’s lives and cultures. One aspect in particular has held great value even to this day. That aspect being the expansive amount of literature created during the era. The era of Romanticism had its name for a reason. It can be greatly attributed to the romanticRead MoreDark Romanticism1392 Words  | 6 Pages4. Define â€Å"Dark Romanticism†as you understand it by discussing two works by different authors. Account for the rise of this kind of writing in America and evaluate its appeal and significance then and now. The Dark Side of Romanticism Romantic literary texts focus on the expression of emotion. Authors during the Romantic period developed and integrated the idea of the individual being the main focus in life. Romantic authors focused on the individual being at the center of their own happiness andRead MoreRomanticism And The Enlightenment1286 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowing, which emphasizes the scientific, practical evidence and rational thinking. Romanticism questioned the rationality of the truth of the road, that understanding the great mystery of life is not enough. These mysteries can be found with emotion, imagination and intuition. Nature is especially considered a self-discovery and spiritual learning classroom, the mysterious place can reveal the human mind. Romanticism emphasizes a life full of deep feelings, spirituality, and freedom of expression,Read MoreRomanticism Essay1493 Words  | 6 PagesRomanticism Romanticism is a movement in the arts that flourished in Europe and America throughout much of the 19th century from the period of the French revolution in 1789. Romantic artists’ glorified nature, idealized the past, and celebrated the divinity of creation. There is a fundamental emphasis on freedom of self expression, sincerity, spontaneity and originality. The movement rebelled against classicism, and artists turned to sources of inspiration for subject matter and artisticRead MorePuritanism And Romanticism1825 Words  | 8 Pages There have been three major influential movements in American historyâ€â€Puritanism, Rationalism, and Romanticism. Each occurring during generally different time periods, they produced a number of different types of literature reflecting their beliefs at the time. The Puritans, being some of the first settlers in modern day America, relied heavily on beliefs they brought with them from the Church of England. Rather than simply being f ollowers of their prior Church, Puritans believed in the Church asRead MoreRomanticism Essay778 Words  | 4 PagesTIMELINE: ROMANTICISM 1800-1850 ïÆ'Ëœ 1749(-1832): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born (writer). ïÆ'Ëœ 1762: â€Å"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains.†Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ïÆ'Ëœ 1770(-1840): Neo-Classicism ïÆ'Ëœ 1770(-1850): William Wordsworth (writer) was born. ïÆ'Ëœ 1770: Industrial Revolution had an influence on the Romantic period. ïÆ'Ëœ 1785: Grim Brothers. ïÆ'Ëœ 1789: French Revolution. ïÆ'Ëœ 1800 Start of Romanticism ïÆ'Ëœ 1802(-1885): Victor Hugo (writer) was born. ïÆ'Ëœ 1802(-1870): Alexandre DumanRead More romanticism Essay640 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ROMANTICISM nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As a result of the American revolution the literature during the ninghteen century changed to fiction. The Romanticism was a period in which authors left classicism, age of reason, in the old world and started to offered imagination, emotions and a new literature that toward nature, humanity and society to espouse freedom and individualism. The main characteristics or Romanticism movements are: an emphasis on imagination as
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Mass Media Brainwashing Free Essays
People behave, think and act according to mental manipulation and programming. Industries, mass media, attorneys and the CIA bombards desires, anger, fear, guilt, repeatedly throughout the day. Emotions manipulated by visual images, education, implied threats, high profile staged crimes, false implications of security, entertainment, television programming, radio programming, repeated suggestions by experts, music videos, songs, and advertising provokes people to act or make decisions seemingly on impulse. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass Media Brainwashing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mental programming begins before consumers are introduced to the product. Fifteen second commercials repeated over and over subliminally convince people their lives are incomplete without the product or service. Television programs persuade viewer’s opinions, emotions and mentality. Television sponsors remind the viewer his or her life is not wonderful without the product or services. Targets eventually act on beliefs that a product or service is an advantage. â€Å"A large portion of the population makes a living simply by getting others to comply with their requests†(Rhoads, 97-04). Programmed individuals mindlessly following subtle suggestions or suddenly find themselves believing they cannot exist without particular services or products viewed over and over is brainwashing, not free will. Manipulation techniques involve social, compliance, propaganda, brainwashing; thought control or thought reforming and persuasion. Social psychology influences beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. It is persuasion. Industries persuade people to purchase their products. Politicians persuade people to vote for their party. Social psychology does not have to be accurate or have any truth to it for it to be affective. It does not necessarily involve direct communication. In social psychology, the ones influencing individuals do so by controlling their own behavior, not the targets. Compliance technique is instant. The target mindlessly follows the commands. It does not change attitudes, beliefs or opinions. Consumers donate to a charity cause in shopping malls. Customers tip the clerks at Starbucks. Propaganda is education. â€Å"Propaganda must be repetitious and simple†(Northstarzone.com). Persuasion technique changes the lifestyle of an individual. This technique takes a while to be effective. It is highly effective. The results are harder to change and last longer. Persuasion is much more difficult. Successful persuasion changes the person unconsciously. The industry has an objective to improve everyone’s health. More commercials would advertise protein drinks, and multi-vitamins. Advertisements for cigarettes and junk food would decrease. After a couple of years watching active and people living fitness lifestyles running along side a beach everyday on television results in a stronger desire for healthier alternatives to cigarettes or sodas. A dark side of brain washing persuades the individual that having certain products or services are to his or her advantage. The product or service is always, without question, to the disadvantage of the target. Thought control, thought reforming or brainwashing destroys a persons identity and beliefs. This type of manipulation replaces an individual’s original beliefs and values that he or she strongly resist. An example of thought reforming is an attorney or prosecutor preparing for opposition in court convincing the person in question he or she needs psychiatric counseling. Professional and so called trustworthy people, persuades, manipulates and influence the person counseling is an advantage to him or her. When subtle suggestions and all the other social influences fail to work, implied threats, fear and unjustified demands are used. The manipulators, prosecutors or attorneys, are the ones with the disadvantage if their target refuses to go to counseling. Another example; the manipulator contacting every person the target becomes associated with. The target is not supposed to realize the people they are associated with is being controlled, either through reward or punishment. It starts off with reward; When the individual finds out, the promises are transformed into avoiding threats. Advertisers and marketers hardly, if ever use these tactics. It is highly illegal. It discredits the manipulator.  Politicians and educational and other government institutions use these strategies Of course, when the plan does not turn out as expected, the government entity, police departments or politicians provide no legal protection. In fact, the politicians leave very little, if any, evidence of any association with the people being bribed. Social psychological manipulation deceptively implies that targets make choices by their own free will.  Nothing is further than the truth. Visual aspects of social manipulation involve something like decorating the business to satisfy the target audience. Choosing the right furniture, appropriate music, and dressing mannequins combined with premeditated advertising through commercials, television, movies and magazine ads that the individual chose to view are a combination of social psychological manipulation and over coming resistance. A store sporting hot pink bean bag chairs, oversize posters of Beyonce and the Pussy Cat Dolls, playing the latest hot music songs, even music video screens and a mannequin wearing the same green mini skirt and black halter top, that the stars wear on sitcoms, in latest magazines and in music videos break records sales with the outfit costing $350.00. Consumers decision to purchase the over priced item started long before they were aware the outfit existed. Does the consumer who spent $350.00 on the name brand outfit have more friends, more money, a better physique or more fun than the consumer who bought a comparable outfit from the clearance dollar bin at Wal-Marts? Advertising sold more than just an outfit. They sold false beliefs. In the comical scene, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCwKbUVyHLY, uses social and compliance techniques. The wife walks in, interrupting her husband while he is very involved in a sporting event on television. She wants to know if the outfit she just bought makes her look fat. The scene implies if the outfit makes her look fat, her husband does not love her. The woman in the clip is not fat, no matter what she wears. Her attitudes and beliefs, feeling loved by her husband, are affected according to what she is wearing. Her husband, whose money was used to purchase the outfit, mindlessly follows the commands in the second scene. The message from her husband; I love you because of the outfit you are wearing. In the very graphic trading cards, http://yorick.infinitejest.org:81/1/cards.html, compliance, brainwashing, thought control and thought reforming are strongly used here. This is a clear cut example of Bush’s and the Texas governments work. The trade cards are photos that create fear, horror, and would make someone cry. They shock people, not in a good way. The message implied is to stop the horrible incidences, vote for Bush. People are not supposed to analyze the facts. They are supposed to mindlessly follow the government’s commands. Seven years after the World Trade Center Attack, the media has yet to produce any solid evidence that any middle-eastern nation is our enemy. There is no evidence Bin Laden exists. Hurricane Katrina, exaggerated or not, made an easy opening for any enemy nation to attack America. That World Trade Center attack was an excuse to go to war, a way to hide money foolishly spent, and hide the fraud within the American government. In the very funny, but very true paintings;  the facts about brainwashing are vivid. In the Axis of Evil drawings, the implied messages from the White House, are spelled out in plain English. The paintings are visual effects showing how America’s behavior was manipulated without realizing it. Bush administration used fear, surprises, and shock.  In another drawing, â€Å"New propaganda slogans are being overtly and subliminally implanted by Bush and his gang through their speeches and actions†(LiverGood). War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is strength are examples of how the human mind can be totally transformed. At the beginning of Bush’s reign, anyone hearing these messages straightforward would have rejected it. People would have automatically said that was absurd. Over time, through a series of events, instilling such beliefs is possible. Education institutions, state and city organizations blindly accept bribes to psychologically manipulate individuals that Bush sets out to target. They may not realize the orders are coming from Bush. When people allegedly with high integrity and high morals are riding in wheel chairs to send someone a message, it does not matter if they realize where the suggestions they followed in the beginning are coming from. This type of psychological brainwashing involves individuals Bush wishes to target, not just the populations. When a government organization bribes a group, a student or an individual, that government organization is on the verge of losing all financial funding. Anyone taking suggestions from these organizations, no matter how attractive the promises, is very risky. Its leaders and attorneys are barely staying above criminal indictment. The patterns of behavior that students, professors and other government people are blindly following were repeated on that individual for years. The individual knows instantly. The people following the orders do not get what they were promised. The people blindly following the orders are no longer anticipating a gain. Their behavior is now avoiding a loss. People acting out of fear act and behave in ways that could have them committed. Bush is strongly applying this psychological technique.  Bush sees one thing. The people he made promises too, are not coming through with what they told him they could do. Advertisers, government, and industries shape and form society’s actions through manipulation, repeated suggestions and numerous psychological methods. People refusing to educate themselves are easy targets. Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine high school kids and the majority of people in maximum security prisons are examples of high tech brainwashing. In perfect society’s, people make their own choices. In a real society, others status, wealth, and credibility depends on persuading and influencing people. People isolating themselves as much as possible, risk being profiled as anti-social. This is another form of powerful brainwashing. Brainwashing shows up in more forms than sales manipulation. Good natured citizens are serving time in prison because they wanted to do good, cooperate with authorities even under questionable circumstances. Those people in law enforcement are not going to stand by the individual who did everything they said to do. Leaving information, filling out questionnaires, and government organizations do not always use information for intended purposes. Manipulators continue to suggest services or products to reluctant targets. People refusing initial suggestions need to be aware that manipulators do not stop. Targets hearing the same suggestions repeated by different people must realize their behavior is being controlled. The persistent suggestion of the product or service is a disadvantage for the target. Notes; LiverGood, Norman D, â€Å"Brain Washing America†http://www.hermes-press.com/brainwash1.htm Rhoads, Kelton Ph.D, â€Å"How Many Influence Tactics are there.†Working Psychology. (1997-2004) : WWW.Workingpsychology.com â€Å"Mass Media BrainWashing†http://www.geocities.com/northstarzone/NSTRPREZ.html (March 11, 2007) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCwKbUVyHLY, No other info given. http://yorick.infinitejest.org:81/1/cards.html How to cite Mass Media Brainwashing, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Management of Business Telecommunications System
Question: Discuss about the Management of Business Telecommunications System. Answer: Introduction Business telecommunication is of utmost importance to an organization whether small or multinational. CA business telecommunication helps in forming a deep relation with the pre-established relations with other business in some other parts of world. Telecommunication has varied faces of it, which depends on the usability in the chosen organization. This is because of the fact that organizations take use of the technology as per their requirement, which indeed is directly proportional to the business area. Telecommunication is of several kinds such as telephone, Smartphone, Tablets, Internets, Intranet, E-mail and cloud computing (Bovee and Courtland 2012). In this assignment, two organizations are chosen for understanding the management of telecommunication in different kinds of organizations. This is indeed helpful in differentiating the usage of communication technology in different kinds of organizations depending on the area of business. Unilever and ANDigital are chosen to understand the importance of telecommunication technology in irrespective kinds of companies. Unilever is a multinational company that is amongst the top companies in the world. On contrary to this ANDigital is a small Company, which is based in UK. A digital Company is growing with its advancements in the field of technology. The main purpose of this assignment is to understand the role of communication technology in business companies. The assignment would try to make this understandable that telecommunication management is very much required in all type of companies such as multinational and small. However, their rate of dependability differs depending on the exposure to the world market (Buckingham and Willett 2013). Purpose of telecommunication in business The communication is involved during business dealings and processing for several purposes. At present time, it is very difficult to run a business smoothly without using any terms of communication technology. To understand the fact, it is better to go sometimes back in the past that could help in understanding the concept behind the internal communication in between the companies. In the past when technology was not that much advanced, even in those times companies tend to involve in some other kinds of business communication such telegrams. However, the invention of computer did transform the then existing form of communication into the electronic form such as e-mail. The e-mail remained popular for quite a long time, which is still in use in the present time. However, some other technologies have overshadowed the importance of e-mailing to a certain bit. It has limited its area of business (Castells 2013). Video calling on Skype, Torrent and Nimbuzz are some of the modern inventions, which has occupied a higher area in all types of companies. The invention of video calling has made this easy to interact with someone such as business client even being in some other parts of world. The invention and popularization of the Smartphone usage have brought most of the business activities at the fingertips. Now, professional can have access o all the necessary kinds of business process by being anywhere in the world. Following are some of the objectives of the business communication technology (Chen, Chiang and Storey 2012): To interact with the clients to discuss on some important matters Skype is by far the most usable of all the platform across the business practices Clients often tends to have an hour or more than an hour of discussions on the Skype The usage of video calling not only have reduced the timeline for the completion of the project but it has also produced cost-effective factors in the organizations To interact with all the stakeholders of the Company as it is not possible for a multinational Company to be physically present in front of all the stakeholders Most importantly, online medium if interaction is also helpful in establishing a relation with customers, which is very necessary to be service effective Customers can easily give their necessary feedbacks on the available websites of the Company or by using their Smartphones to rate the services Project bidding has also been transformed into the online mode, which makes this compulsory for a Company to have such expertise that are well versed with online for of bidding To analyse the business strategies of the rival companies, which is mostly available on some of the government websites To help the recruiting panel for attracting the participation of aspirants from every corner or parts of the world, which is never feasible with the newspaper advertisement To be up to date with all kinds of news at just go by using Smartphones or tablets Types of business communication There are several kinds of business telecommunications; however, four types are highly popular. The four kinds of business communication are as follows: VoIP Calling Systems This is some kinds of traditional landline phones, which operates through internet connection. This is very much common in communication centres such as call centre. The process involved in this shows its relation to the landline form of calling in its physical look; however, it is altogether different to the traditional calling as it depends on internet. The process is conducted via creating relations in between the different kinds of internet protocol address of different modems. It is very convenient to use and very cost effective as it only involves the data consumption, which is very low compare to the traditional form of calling (Conrad and Poole 2012). PBX Call Systems It is other very significant kinds of business communication tools, which help in establishing the private kinds of calling within the organization. This enables the private calling within the organization. This also helps in establishing the several external kinds of callings, which the employees use with the help of different shared numbers. The technology is now equipped with the latest VoIP PBX, which also facilitate the calling with internet (Cornelissen 2014). Video Conferencing As discussed earlier, this is one of the widest use media of communication in between different organizations. This generally occurs in between the clients of different organizations. Moreover, clients can easily sow the demo of the project, which would make things very friendlier for either party (Davenport 2013). Smartphone The growing technology of Smartphone have made this an important asset for the organization. Phones such as Iphone, Samsung, Blackberry and Microsoft are very much built with the high-end technologies, which has made many business processes possible at just go (Downs and Adrian 2012). Issues with the communication technology Communication technology has made job easier for the millions across the globe; however, it has also raised some issues related to the security, cost-effective and technical glitch. Security is one of the major threats with the usage of the communication technology. The usage of phones is more at risk as all the operating system used in the phones are less safe. Iphone is perhaps the safest of all the platforms used in the Smartphones. In the competitive environment, it is very much required to have a high level of security for protecting the private matters of the organization. Another problem with the usage of the technology is the technical glitch, which could even disrupt the business process for a long time. Technology has made life easier; however, it has also put life in some sort of danger. Instances can be of network failure while having the video conferencing, which could hamper or even delayed the demo of the project. Moreover, the technological glitch does also require so me expenditure for its rectification (DuBrin 2013). Unilever is a multinational Company, which is one of the largest companies in the world in terms of revenues. The Company is also engaged in several cross border operation such as in India, Pakistan, China and Srilanka. The business is circulated in a very high diameter of the business area. It is very important for Unilever to have a solid technological communication background, which could help the Company in establishing a smooth relation with the world business. To be competitive in the market and to evolve as a front-runner in terms of revenues, they are needed to be up dated with all the feedbacks of the stakeholders. The high diameter of business operations of the Company makes this important to have a sound communication technology for creating a smooth interaction with all the dimensions of business. From the collection of raw materials to the manufacturing and the distribution, it needs technological advancements at every level of the business (Dunning 2013). It is a digital agency, which is in its early stages. It needs proper cares of technological advancement in the communication field. However, it might not require the level of advancement, which the Unilever needs. This is because of the fact that it is still in its growing age. However, it is important for them to take care of the technological requirement and operation with proper care to avoid any barrier to the success (Eliasson 2012). Analyzing the communication technology of Unilever The primary form of the communication in the Unilever is the annual report, which they publish on their website on an annual basis. This is one of the primary sources, which help its stakeholders in knowing the progress of the Company. Moreover, it also let them acquainted with the necessary information of the Company. However, Company uses some of the following medium of communication technology (Grant and Meadows 2013): Internet - It is one of their primary and important medium of communication, which helps the Company in establishing a firm relationship with all its management at the different parent and offshore centres. They do so by distributing the network settings into three sections such as public, private and personal. For the internet purpose, they use several resources for the network such as mobile network and fibre optic cable (Grint and Woolgar 2013). Email This is one of the most common forms of business communication across the globe. Unilever also uses the Email format for addressing the several businesses related talks and issues (Grunig 2013). Website Unilever also does use this form of technology for communicating with its stakeholders. Stakeholders of the Company can have their access to the annual report with the help of the website (Guffey and Loewy 2012). RSS feed Unilever uses this form of technology for posting its important blogs, entries, video and audio. Apart from all these communication tools, Unilever also use some other technologies such as Phone and Fax (Kiesler 2014). Communication technology of ANDigital The difference between the communication technology of the Unilever and ANDigital is their business functionalities. ANDigital is a small Company, which only has approximately around 110 employees in this Company. The Company is well versed with basic types of business communications; however, it differs to Unilever in terms of its functionalities. The Company is engaged in educating the aspirants about some of the most in demand languages used in the business companies such as Java, Elastic and Android (Ling and Donner 2013). It is an undeniable fact that Unilever has also their team of expertise that are only dedicated to the IT related works. However, their mode of business communication is more centred on the basic kinds of business communication. On contrary to this, ANDigital is a small Company United Kingdom, which is dedicated to provide solutions on the entire famous technical platform such as Java, Elastic and Android. The Company is basically has some developers in it who are engaged in providing the software development related solutions to them. Nevertheless, they can also provide solution to multinational companies if they carry on growing further (Mumby 2012). Barriers to communication in Unilever Unilever uses basic kinds of communication technologies, which are well popular with many other multinational companies. However, the existing technology of communication can have several following barriers (Quirke 2012): Technology related glitch in the website because of some connectivity issues, which might create a communication gap within the stakeholders The technological glitch might be a temporary one but it can also take some significant time for the problem to disappear Customer service would be hampered because of the technological glitch as they might not reach to the Company for their problems and concerns through the available resources Technological glitch might also hamper the business operation as an unavailable website might prevent the Company from sending the work permit to the distributors Distribution of the products would be hampered because of the technological glitch It might also protect them from doing any business bidding as it also require technological platform In cross-border business operations, the maintenance of communication technology is often complicated because of the involvement of the Company with companies of diverse culture and geographical beliefs Cross-border business operations are generally communicated through the use of professional Email, occasional video calling and annual reports From the above mentioned facts, it is necessary that a multinational Company have robust system of technology, so that, it could avoid any flaws The biggest barrier to cross-border communication to Unilever is the internet, which establishes the relationship between the parent Company and its subsidiaries Barriers to communication in ANDigital ANDigital is a small Company that is dedicated to develop software related solutions at the different platforms such as Java and Android. However, the level of risks of communication gap is lesser in the Company. This is not because of the communication level of the Company but because of its area of business. The Company is still in its growing stage, which is good from the perspectives of the communication related gaps, as it would not attract any serious check from the clients. The business is still growing, so, a flawless work is not expected from such companies. The only major gap is in the development area, which they cannot afford at any cost (Scarbrough and Corbett 2013). The development process also needs internet connection. If the task is urgent, they cannot afford any internet related failure. This is indeed a big threat to such Company, which is still in its growing stage. On contrary to this, Unilever would not be questioned for their reputation but the might miss some important business related dealings. However, ANDigital might face severe bombarding from its clients in case of any project delayed. This might also stop them from grooming in the market, which they cannot afford at any point in time (Thamhain 2013). In case of merger with some big companies, ANDigital would attain a global appearance; however, it would also add more high responsibilities at its shoulders. The development process, which was limited to a minimum area, would be expanded to a larger market. The added area of business would increase the expectations from the Company. The communication related failure then or some development related issue would be accounted for a big threat as the Company is now engaged in serving a bigger responsibility. In cross-border relation, the biggest barrier would be then to understand the cultural needs of the host country (Vaishnavi and Kuechler 2015). Comparative analysis of time effective solution Unilever can manage the technological related glitch in the communication; however, it might take some time. On contrary to this, ANDigital would face it tougher to manage their technical glitch as they have limited access to the market giants. The resources are limited and hence, the solutions are limited. The trust, which the Unilever have developed on to its customers and business partners, would help the Company in holding their calm under odd situations. On contrary to this, ANDigital is still in their growing age and hence, they have everything to lose. Unilever with the help of their strong financial backups would easily find the solutions to the technological related failure in the communication process. However, ANDigital would find it little difficult in handling the communication related glitches (Westerman, Bonnet and McAfee 2014). In addition to this, ANDigital also depend on its developers, which is one problem that does not have any quick solution. In case of recession, it would be difficult for the Company in finding the alternate solution for the existing developers in the Company. This is very much evident from the above discussions that communication related gaps would deter some important works of the Company. However, ANDigital would be hugely affected by any language related technical failure as it takes certain time and investments for the rectification (Zurawski 2014). The level of severity of communication failure in Unilever is comparatively lesser than that of ANDigital. This is because of the fact that Unilever is a giant Company, which would find quick solutions to the problems. They are multinational companies, which have strong financial backups behind them as well as high number of labour. These companies find good supports from the local government in most of the cases as these companies are a good contributor in the economy of the local country. However, ANDigital is still in the growing stage, which is one of the reasons behind the fact that they are small contributor in the economy of the country. This is an undeniable fact that those companies, which are highly profitable for the GDP of the country, they have high supports of the local governments. On contrary to this, those who are still to prove their point for the contribution in the economy of the country, they are less recognized from the local government (Dunning 2013). Conclusion Business communication technology finds almost equal development in the wide range of multinational companies. However, in smaller companies those, which are still in their growing, age, it is comparatively tougher for them to handle the challenging situations. It takes time for them to prove their point in front if the customers, the local government and the international countries. Challenges are an inevitable aspect of the multinational companies. This is because of the fact that they find it comparatively easier in handling he challenging situations. However, those who are small companies, they are often new to any challenges. This is why they find this difficult to handle the challenging situations. The communication related technology is quite same to irrespective kinds of companies. However, the handling power of the communication technology failure varies from one organization to another. Moreover, this also depends on the operational size. The Company, which has wider area o f expertise, has also the highest ratio of challenge handling. References Bovee and Courtland, 2012.Business Communication Today, 10/e. Pearson Education India. Buckingham, D. and Willett, R., 2013.Digital generations: Children, young people, and the new media. Routledge. Castells, M., 2013.Communication power. OUP Oxford. Chen, H., Chiang, R.H. and Storey, V.C., 2012. 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