Monday, December 23, 2019
Romanticism - 1649 Words
Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century The Romantic period followed the era of logical, philosophical, and social movement in the 17th to 18th century. However, as the 19th century began, Romanticism came into the light with a new perspective that intrigued the people. It stressed emphasis on emotions and imagination while also helping to realize the importance of self-expression. The American Romanticism movement illustrated inspiration, bias and predominance of individuals in the nineteenth century. Romanticism has a very small amount to do with events and manners traditionally thought of as romantic, even though love may seldom be the topic of Romantic art. It is rather an international artistic and philosophical movement that†¦show more content†¦The Romantics venerated the middle ages which, to them, was a time of spiritual depth and adventure, whereas the Enlightenment thinkers convicted the Middle Ages as dark. Enlightenment thinkers valued logic, reason, and rationali ty, while Romantics valued emotion, passion, and individuality (â€Å"British Romanticism†). The movement was an outcry of the writers who were tired of being told how to perceive and interpret life. Through their work, they offered to show a much different perspective on life which proposed individuality, emotional support, self-importance, and imagination. The Romanticism movement was used by writers and other people to escape reality. At the time, they were going through difficulties, meaning romanticism had a large role in their lives and was a great way to symbolize how they felt. Romantics particularly called for much more attention to emotions as an obligatory supplement to purely logical reason (â€Å"Romanticism†). Emphasis on the activity of the imagination was accompanied by greater emphasis on the importance of intuition, instincts, and feelings (â€Å"Romanticism†). Emotion over reason is considered one of the main features or approaches of Romanti cism. Valuing emotion and imagination over reason and heart over head was a crucial value during the romanticism Era. Those living in that time realized theShow MoreRelatedRomanticism : Romanticism And Romanticism1444 Words  | 6 PagesRomanticism was a period time 1750 to 1870 in Europe, Latin America and The United States. Romantic Movement didn’t reach to France until the 1820’s. Romanticism main spirit was against of rule, law and formulas that classicism the different characterized of general in 18th century. Imagination, Subjectivity of approach, freedom, Expression and the idealization of nature will be focused in movement of Romantic Literature. In this period industrial revolution with the social and political norms formRead MoreRomanticism : Romanticism And Romanticism1141 Words  | 5 Pagesmovements. Although Romanticism and Modernism differ in their styles, values, and ideology, they were both important periods in literature. Romanticism was a literary movement during the late 18th century until the early 19th century that had an emphasis on the imagination and emotions. The movement moved through every country in Europe, Latin America, and the United States from approximately 1750 to 1870. However, France did not see the movement until the 1820’s. Romanticism was basically a rebellionRead MoreRomanticism Vs. Romanticism : Modernism And Romanticism1050 Words  | 5 Pagesor what does it take to better the society? Well, the Europeans had adapted the Neoclassicism and Romanticism form of art belief, in order to find the answers that they were always looking for. Neoclassicism is the principal of logically viewing life in a mathematics and rational level, especially when it comes to solving worldly issues and it’s expressed through art and literature. However, Romanticism believe in the beauty of art, faith, and rely on intense emotions for judgement. Firstly, the societyRead MoreRomanticis m : The Era Of Romanticism1810 Words  | 8 PagesThrough the late 1700s and early 1800s, the period of Romanticism blossomed. â€Å"Romanticism†very loosely describes the era in which modern culture began to take shape. During the Romantic era, many advancements were made in all aspects of people’s lives and cultures. One aspect in particular has held great value even to this day. That aspect being the expansive amount of literature created during the era. The era of Romanticism had its name for a reason. It can be greatly attributed to the romanticRead MoreDark Romanticism1392 Words  | 6 Pages4. Define â€Å"Dark Romanticism†as you understand it by discussing two works by different authors. Account for the rise of this kind of writing in America and evaluate its appeal and significance then and now. The Dark Side of Romanticism Romantic literary texts focus on the expression of emotion. Authors during the Romantic period developed and integrated the idea of the individual being the main focus in life. Romantic authors focused on the individual being at the center of their own happiness andRead MoreRomanticism And The Enlightenment1286 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowing, which emphasizes the scientific, practical evidence and rational thinking. Romanticism questioned the rationality of the truth of the road, that understanding the great mystery of life is not enough. These mysteries can be found with emotion, imagination and intuition. Nature is especially considered a self-discovery and spiritual learning classroom, the mysterious place can reveal the human mind. Romanticism emphasizes a life full of deep feelings, spirituality, and freedom of expression,Read MoreRomanticism Essay1493 Words  | 6 PagesRomanticism Romanticism is a movement in the arts that flourished in Europe and America throughout much of the 19th century from the period of the French revolution in 1789. Romantic artists’ glorified nature, idealized the past, and celebrated the divinity of creation. There is a fundamental emphasis on freedom of self expression, sincerity, spontaneity and originality. The movement rebelled against classicism, and artists turned to sources of inspiration for subject matter and artisticRead MorePuritanism And Romanticism1825 Words  | 8 Pages There have been three major influential movements in American historyâ€â€Puritanism, Rationalism, and Romanticism. Each occurring during generally different time periods, they produced a number of different types of literature reflecting their beliefs at the time. The Puritans, being some of the first settlers in modern day America, relied heavily on beliefs they brought with them from the Church of England. Rather than simply being f ollowers of their prior Church, Puritans believed in the Church asRead MoreRomanticism Essay778 Words  | 4 PagesTIMELINE: ROMANTICISM 1800-1850 ïÆ'Ëœ 1749(-1832): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born (writer). ïÆ'Ëœ 1762: â€Å"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains.†Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ïÆ'Ëœ 1770(-1840): Neo-Classicism ïÆ'Ëœ 1770(-1850): William Wordsworth (writer) was born. ïÆ'Ëœ 1770: Industrial Revolution had an influence on the Romantic period. ïÆ'Ëœ 1785: Grim Brothers. ïÆ'Ëœ 1789: French Revolution. ïÆ'Ëœ 1800 Start of Romanticism ïÆ'Ëœ 1802(-1885): Victor Hugo (writer) was born. ïÆ'Ëœ 1802(-1870): Alexandre DumanRead More romanticism Essay640 Words  | 3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ROMANTICISM nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As a result of the American revolution the literature during the ninghteen century changed to fiction. The Romanticism was a period in which authors left classicism, age of reason, in the old world and started to offered imagination, emotions and a new literature that toward nature, humanity and society to espouse freedom and individualism. The main characteristics or Romanticism movements are: an emphasis on imagination as
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